Open Suse Leap 15.1 - Starfleet OS Live CD


I have a little problem. I would like to finish building a live operating system in LCARS style.
Say, so to speak, cobble together a Starfleet OS. To do this, I downloaded the Live CD from OpenSuse Leap 15.1
and pimped it onto the SD card, i.e. added my work from the fixed installation and extra programs.
But I don’t get the bootloader (Grub2) adjusted and plymouth entered into the kernel.

How do you do that with the Live CD image?

Greetings Tomcat

Another Pics from my work …

I don’t think that’s possible.

Yes, you can install software and make other changes on the live image. But those changes go to a separate “hybrid” partition. On reboot, you don’t see the changes until that separate partition has been connected up. So you cannot change grub or the kernel that way, because those are used before the hybrid partition is connected.

Perhaps use the DVD installer to install to your SD card.

Hello nrickert and thanks for your answer !

No , the installation to USB is only for my Computer and not to give away for use of every PC .
My Idea is to give the image away to other people who likes the Starfleet and Enterprise !

I have installed the Open Suse to my Computer and i search the way to edit the USB Image …

I have on Windows extract the USB Image and found 2 partition , because the partition with
grub is not editable , need i help from people there can do that - i am not a profi , i am a beginner
with linux . I think from linux of is a way to do it , not from started Live System , but from my
installed Linux !

My give away from the master LCARS Theme :
I Need also a manual for dummy´s to ad this to KDE Store !!!

Checkout Suse studio It allows building special OS images.

Hello gogalthorp ,

thanks for your answer , however this is not the way for my work !

I surf at the internet over LTE and have only 10 GB , the work online is to costly
and my english is too bad to find my way around this page …

To bad. Suse Studio is the place to create custom OS’s. Note all the building and configuration happens on the server you then only have to down load the finished installer. You can even test it from the server. before downloading

Is No Way , i have tested the Studio and i have no way find to ad my Programs and edit the bootloader . And my created cd dont work .

The Link to Manual is 404 and i have not found a manual :

This Studio ist not user friendly and i will not work online .

I Need a way to make it offline !!!