Open Nvidia drivers

Hello, when Nvidia fresh open drivers will be available and do I need to change packages?
I still have issues with Wayland (blinking screen now) - is here any info all will be fine there?

When the v560 drivers hit the production branch they will be packaged for openSUSE. v560 is still a Beta driver and not officially released by NVIDIA as production/new feature branch.

After the drivers got officially released by NVIDIA they will be avialable for packaging for openSUSE. And then, as usual, you unly need to do a zypper dup.

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So, if I update Nvidia drivers and there’s no EULA - it’s what is needed?

@psijic the open G06 driver (kmp) has been available for a long time direct from the oss repository?

The question to me? Don’t know.

@psijic well the question was to you, in that they are present in the oss repo now…

See only nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default


Standard OSS repo.

S  | Name                                             | Summary                                                                | Type
   | kernel-firmware-nvidia-gsp-G06                   | Kernel firmware file for open NVIDIA kernel module driver G06          | package
   | kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06                  | Kernel firmware file for open NVIDIA kernel module driver G06          | package
   | kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-cuda             | Kernel firmware file for open NVIDIA kernel module driver G06          | package
i+ | nvidia-compute-G06                               | NVIDIA driver for computing with GPGPU                                 | package
i+ | nvidia-compute-G06-32bit                         | 32bit NVIDIA driver for computing with GPGPU                           | package
i+ | nvidia-compute-utils-G06                         | NVIDIA driver tools for computing with GPGPU                           | package
i+ | nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default                    | NVIDIA graphics driver kernel module for GeForce 700 series and newer  | package
   | nvidia-drivers-G06                               | Meta package for full installations (X, GL, etc.)                      | package
   | nvidia-drivers-minimal-G06                       | Meta package for compute only installations                            | package
i+ | nvidia-gl-G06                                    | NVIDIA OpenGL libraries for OpenGL acceleration                        | package
i+ | nvidia-gl-G06-32bit                              | 32bit NVIDIA OpenGL libraries for OpenGL acceleration                  | package
   | nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-default-devel | Devel Package to nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda                    | package
   | nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-default   | NVIDIA open kernel module driver for GeForce RTX 2000 series and newer | package
   | nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-default-devel      | Devel Package to nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed                         | package
   | nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default        | NVIDIA open kernel module driver for GeForce RTX 2000 series and newer | package
i  | nvidia-utils-G06                                 | NVIDIA driver tools                                                    | package
i+ | nvidia-video-G06                                 | NVIDIA graphics driver for GeForce 700 series and newer                | package
i+ | nvidia-video-G06-32bit                           | 32bit NVIDIA graphics driver for GeForce 700 series and newer          | package

They are in your output…

@psijic FWIW, I prefer the run file, but with my setup the nvidia card is for Prime Render Offload;

./ \
    --ui=none \
    --no-questions \
    --accept-license \
    --disable-nouveau \
    --no-cc-version-check \
    --install-libglvnd \

nvidia-smi -q | grep -E "CUDA|Product Name|Product Brand|GSP|Driver Version"

Driver Version                            : 560.31.02
CUDA Version                              : 12.6
    Product Name                          : NVIDIA T400
    Product Brand                         : Quadro RTX
    GSP Firmware Version                  : 560.31.02

/sbin/modinfo nvidia | grep license
license:        Dual MIT/GPL

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