Open Broadcaster Software


I try run of Open Broadcaster Software but I receive error message

Failed to initialize video. Your GPU may not be supported, or your graphics drivers may need to be updated.

My computer:
Dell D630
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250
GPU: Intel Mobile GM965/GL960

Do you have some idea how to fix this problem?

Hi, welcome,

Which desktop environment are we talking about?
Which obs-studio package?

rpm -qa | grep obs-

How did you install obs-studio?
AFAIK it should run fine on your hardware.

I use KDE Plasma.

Result of command rpm -qa | grep obs- is


I added PackMan repository and I was following according to instruction on the site

I was looking for how to update GPU drivers but i did not find.

Read the openSUSE section in the following link to the Open Broadcaster Linux Installation page…

Besides dependencies, it emphasizes the need to install obs-studio from Packman, it’s not enough to merely have the Packman repo enabled.
You also need to have an OpenGL later than 3.2, you can check your version with the following command

glxinfo | grep "OpenGL"

Looks like further down the page are instructions to build your own if you want…
But, it looks like the most recent version is available everywhere.

I doubt any other “GPU driver” is needed except that it would support a required version of OpenGL.

BTW - If obs-studio doesn’t work out for you, I’ve set up VLC as a streaming server as something quick and easy to set up… I wouldn’t know if it would be suitable on a permanent basis but VLC works fine for those impromptu situations.


tsu2 it is results of glxinfo | grep “OpenGL” command.

OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 18.0.2
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 18.0.2
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0.16
OpenGL ES profile extensions:

As I see my GPU supports OpenGL 2.0, so I have to change the screen capture application on VLC.

Thank you for yours time and answers.

It may be old, it updates and if not try to uninstall and reinstall again
It may be old, it updates and if not try to uninstall and reinstall again