ooo3.2 openSUSE version - Writer

I have created a document (ooo, openSUSE11.2.) with a
mailto hyperlink in it. My default mail program is Kmail. The hyper
link will not open it. If I install thunderbird, it open the equal
of composer and I can send the email. I have looked at help. nothing
on hyperlinks. Google show some issues but not this one.

I’ve gone to options → Internet → E-mail and inserted:
kmail -caption “%c”
still wil not work. How or where to I make a change to use Kmail
instead of thunderbird? Is there a how to for configuring mailto


| openSUSE 11.2 ( x86_64 | KDE 4.3.5 release 3
| Intel Core 2 Dual E7200 | 4 GB RAM | GeForce 8400 GS | 320GB Disc
(2) |

Run “Configure Desktop” and choose kmail as the default mail application.

syampillai wrote:

> Run “Configure Desktop” and choose kmail as the default mail
> application.hav
Thanks for the reply. I had the default mail program set to "Use
Kmail as preferred email program. I even tried it by changing to:
Use a different email client and put The call from the Icon in it.
“kmail -caption “%c””. Also checked run in terminal. Neither helped.
Yesterday I discovered that file → send calls kmail fine. Its only
the mailto: that will not call kmail but it calls Thunderbird OK, if
its installed. I changed back to use kmail as preferred client.

In addition the hyperlink toolbar shows the correct URL Name and
correct URL.

Should I report this as Bug?

Thanks again.

| openSUSE 11.2 ( x86_64 | KDE 4.3.5 release 3
| Intel Core 2 Dual E7200 | 4 GB RAM | GeForce 8400 GS | 320GB Disc
(2) |

I never use, but tested with the OBS version and saw the same behavior.

Even supposing it’s a config problem, it should at least give an error message. As it is now is plain wrong, a bug to be fixed.

I had some more luck with Google: Forum :: [Solved] mailto: hyperlinks not working with KMail

My OpenOffice_org-libs-core package provides

If I execute the first with ‘’ as parameter nothing happens, but with kde-open-url works. So the problem seems to be that the KDE specific script isn’t used.
Anyway IMHO those two scripts shouldn’t exist at all. should use xdg-open

It’s a shame that someone found the problem in 2007 and he never informed the devs… so we are here today. I will report it if you don’t, but say me if so.

RedDwarf wrote:

> I had some more luck with Google: ‘ Forum ::
> [Solved] mailto: hyperlinks not working with KMail’
> (
> My OpenOffice_org-libs-core package provides
> /usr/lib64/ooo3/basis3.2/program/open-url
> /usr/lib64/ooo3/basis3.2/program/kde-open-url
> If I execute the first with ‘’ as parameter nothing
> happens, but with kde-open-url works. So the problem seems to be
> that the KDE specific script isn’t used.
> Anyway IMHO those two scripts shouldn’t exist at all.
> should use ‘xdg-open’
> (
> It’s a shame that someone found the problem in 2007 and he never
> informed the devs… so we are here today. I will report it if you
> don’t, but say me if so.
Added comments to Novell bugzilla bug #572761 which I had already
opened. I reported it there since this is openSUSE version of

Thanks for your response. Feel free to add comments. I did quote
your reply to me on it.

| openSUSE 11.2 ( x86_64 | KDE 4.3.5 release 3
| Intel Core 2 Dual E7200 | 4 GB RAM | GeForce 8400 GS | 320GB Disc
(2) |