Online Update autorefresh fails everytime

OpenSuSe 11.1 i586 KDE4

Every single time I click on online update and yast starts refreshing
for new packages it fails with this message:

File ‘/repodata/repomd.xml’ not found on medium

But that happens to every single online repository I have (Including
Non-OSS). If I retry it leads to the same situation over and over. The
funny thing is that if I hit skip everytime it asks me, I do get to the
download area and I am able to successfully get new packages.

I’m using a wireless network. Could it be that it is timing out my
connection everytime?..I don’t think so.

Any help?



acimmarusti’s Profile:
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acimmarusti;1938544 Wrote:
> Any help?
I’m NOT a YaST hater, so don’t take this wrong, but…

Updating with YaST is a real kludge! :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, this is the way I do it (terminal):


sudo zypper ref # Refreshes the Repos
sudo zypper lu # Shows you the changes
sudo zypper up # Updates the Repos

Simple pimple! You might want to try it… :wink:


Toshiba A215 Laptop, openSuSE-Factory x86_64 KDE 4.2 / GNOME / Vista /
Win7 Quad-Boot
LanParty Desktop, Extreme Edition, openSuSE-Factory KDE 4.2 / GNOME /
W2K Triple-Boot-

VinDSL’s Profile:
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acimmarusti;1938544 Wrote:
> ‘

Remove the trailing “/” on that link. The installer puts that one
there, and it shouldn’t.


smpoole7’s Profile:
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Thanks for the help, it works now.


acimmarusti’s Profile:
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VinDSL;1938610 Wrote:
> I’m NOT a YaST hater, so don’t take this wrong, but…
> Updating with YaST is a real kludge! :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually suse updater is the kludge, not yast.

Updating via “Online Update” and “Software Management” yast modules
never gives headache.


freedguy’s Profile:
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smpoole7;1938639 Wrote:
> Remove the trailing “/” on that link. The installer puts that one there,
> and it shouldn’t.

I’m no expert at this, but when I looked at the link on my 11.1 system,
it ended with a trailing “/” as you mentioned above. In fact, all of my
update links do.

When I looked at the directory on the download server it looked like
this: oss/ So do all the other repo’s I looked at.

So why shouldn’t the trailing “/” be there?


gudewdl’s Profile:
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gudewdl;1939111 Wrote:
> So why shouldn’t the trailing “/” be there?

The programmer usually hides this from you, but if the trailing slash
is on there, and the program itself adds a slash, the request gets
transmitted as something like, “” <- note two

I can’t say for sure, but I guess whoever wrote that little section of
the code for the updater (and the software installer – I’ve had that
problem there, too) just adds a trailing slash without checking to see
if there’s already one there.

Technically, it’s a bug, but not a serious one. Surprising how many
people have been klonged by this one, though … including yours truly!


smpoole7’s Profile:
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smpoole7;1939358 Wrote:
> The programmer usually hides this from you, but if the trailing slash is
> on there, and the program itself adds a slash, the request gets
> transmitted as something like, “” ← note two
> slashes.
> I can’t say for sure, but I guess whoever wrote that little section of
> the code for the updater (and the software installer – I’ve had that
> problem there, too) just adds a trailing slash without checking to see
> if there’s already one there.
> Technically, it’s a bug, but not a serious one. Surprising how many
> people have been klonged by this one, though … including yours truly!
> :slight_smile:

OK thanks. So should I (and everyone else) remove ALL the trailing “/”
from the repo URLs?

If the program is indeed adding yet another “/” making the URL end in
“//”, shouldn’t EVERYONE have problems getting updates or does EVERYONE
know to remove the trailing “/”. I would not have known to do, let
alone check, that.


gudewdl’s Profile:
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smpoole7;1939358 Wrote:
> The programmer usually hides this from you, but if the trailing slash is
> on there, and the program itself adds a slash, the request gets
> transmitted as something like, “” ← note two
> slashes.
> I can’t say for sure, but I guess whoever wrote that little section of
> the code for the updater (and the software installer – I’ve had that
> problem there, too) just adds a trailing slash without checking to see
> if there’s already one there.
> Technically, it’s a bug, but not a serious one. Surprising how many
> people have been klonged by this one, though … including yours truly!
> :slight_smile:

OK I edited all my repo URLs - removed the trailing “/”, did a refresh,
which failed. I get Timeout exceed messages anytime I attempt to do
anything with the Software Updater software, with or w/o the trailing
“/”. Gnome btw. Fresh retail (DVD) 11.1 install.

Using FireFox I can get to and see what’s in all the repo links w/no

Thinking it might be an issue with http download stuff (I’m dong this
on my company net), I was able to download other HTTP stuff from the
laptop sitting next to this workstation.


gudewdl’s Profile:
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Now I don’t think it’s a problem of slashes…

I’m using GNOME right now and I confirm the same issue. However, it
depends on the reliability of the wireless connection somehow. When I’m
home with a slower wireless I get the connection time out message
frequently, but when I’m at my university which has a faster and more
reliable wireless I get the message only once in a while.

On KDE my problem was weirder, because I could skip the autorefresh and
still get to download updates without problem…

I’m puzzled



acimmarusti’s Profile:
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On-line update – update:

I now have the on-line update stuff working. What I stumbled on today
was a missing HTTP proxy configuration. The workstation I’m running
openSUSE on lives on a corporate network and a defined proxy is required
to get “outside”. I should have checked for this long ago, but it
completely slipped my mind.

All seems to be working well now. Onward and upward.



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