I am trying to open Microsoft CHM Help files in okular but it keeps saying it cannot find a plugin for those file types. It does open PDF as well as the most popluar picture formats (JPG,PNG,etc). But it also claims support for CHM files and did open them on openSUSE 11.4, I had a look and the necessery shared lib’s seem to be there. Can somebody (who knows!) please tell me why okular is not opening them?? I’m not interested in any posts from people that do not know for sure. Thank you in advance. >:(
I don’t know for sure (and I’ve certainly never viewed a Microsoft chm document), but I’m going to reply anyway: Do you have libchm installed?
rpm -qa |grep libchm
If not, search for libchm0 here:
software.opensuse.org: Search
and install it.
Let us know how that goes.
There was a glitch reported in April 2012, see here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/okular/+bug/948223
That might explain why it’s not working, because it’s perhaps a Linux-wide problem.
I acnnot tell you since my okular opens chm. Maybe the difference is the
version, my KDE is updated to 4.8.4 and so is my okular (and chmlib is
martinh@ganymed:~> rpm -q okular
Which version are you using? Have you tried kchmviewer which also works?
PC: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.4 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.8.4 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10
I can confirm the problem. Apparently okular detects the file as application/octet-stream even if the system knows it’s a CHM file.
And about why it detects them as application/octet-stream… no, nobody knows: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=298561
Am 07.07.2012 14:06, schrieb RedDwarf:
> And about why it detects them as application/octet-stream… no, nobody
> knows: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=298561
On my system it is shown as application/x-chm in okular
PC: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.4 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.8.4 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10
No problem on Tumbleweed with KDE 4.8.4
I will try the version of libchm0 that ive just downloaded, but as i do not have internet at home im having to use the computers at work or the library. Well let you know how it goes… Thank you for all of your replys.
On 07/07/2012 10:56 PM, Knurpht wrote:
> No problem on Tumbleweed with KDE 4.8.4
I’ve got Tumbleweed and KDE 4.8.4. Okular won’t open chm files for me. 
Am 10.07.2012 06:32, schrieb swerdna:
> On 07/07/2012 10:56 PM, Knurpht wrote:
>> No problem on Tumbleweed with KDE 4.8.4
> I’ve got Tumbleweed and KDE 4.8.4. Okular won’t open chm files for me. 
Is it only okular which does not work with chm or does kchmviewer also
not work?
PC: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.4 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.8.4 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10
I tryed what you said but okular still says the same thing. The shared lib that came with openSUSE 12.1 was called chmlib and the version of it was: 0.40-12.1.2 I downloaded libchm0 version 0.40-16.1 which once again did not change anything. It seems to me that it is a problem with okular itself rather than the chmlib (or libchm0). Would upgrading KDE to the lastest version (when I get the internet at home) solve the problem?? Also can anyone who has okular working with CHM files tell me which version of KDE and okular they are using?
The only CHM file I could test with came from here:
Using the VBA Excel Example File
I had no problem viewing it in Okular (openSUSE 11.4, KDE4.8.4)
FWIW, I note that there is a chm2pdf utility that may suffice as a workaround for now
How to convert CHM files into PDF files in Ubuntu
I have installed KDE 4.8.4 and Okular is now opening CHM files with no issues. So the problem I was having is linked to ether KDE 4.7.2 itself or Okular, I think it might be what RedDwarf](http://forums.opensuse.org/members/reddwarf.html) wrote in terms of the file being detected as the wrong file type ether by Okular itself or KDE itself. Thank you for all of your helps!