Oddity in udev -- possibly a bug

In /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libgphoto2.rules I read

udev rules file for libgphoto2 devices (for udev 0.98 version)

Created from this library:

libgphoto2 2.4.3 gcc, ltdl, EXIF

libgphoto2_port 0.8.0 gcc, ltdl, USB, serial without locking

SUBSYSTEM!=“usb|usb_device”, GOTO=“libgphoto2_rules_end”
ACTION!=“add”, GOTO=“libgphoto2_rules_end”

ATTRS{idVendor}==“0553”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0202”, GROUP=“plugdev”
ATTRS{idVendor}==“06bd”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0403”, GROUP=“plugdev”
ATTRS{idVendor}==“06bd”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0404”, GROUP=“plugdev”
ATTRS{idVendor}==“04fc”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“504b”, GROUP=“plugdev”

But there is no group plugdev in /etc/group

Not sure if theis related to th eproblems I am having regarding camera upload in gphoto2 but it is certainly very odd

openSuSE 11.1 #1 SMP 2009-07-01 15:37:09 +0200 x86_64

==John ff

I’m not sure what the fix might be here, as I’m not familiar with this software. I guess you could either add the ‘plugdev’ group via

YaST > Security and Users > User and Group Management

or edit the rules entry for your particular camera, so that it gives access to the ‘users’ group instead.

Maybe get some advice on this from the mailing lists at

gPhoto - gPhoto Home

This section might also be worth a read:

4.3. Setting up permissions for USB ports

Ayone else have ideas on this?

deano ferrari adjusted his/her AFDB on Sunday 16 Aug 2009 02:46 to write:

> I’m not sure what the fix might be here, as I’m not familiar with this
> software. I guess you could either add the ‘plugdev’ group via
> YaST > Security and Users > User and Group Management
> or edit the rules entry for your particular camera, so that it gives
> access to the ‘users’ group instead.
> Maybe get some advice on this from the mailing lists at
> ‘gPhoto - gPhoto Home’ (http://www.gphoto.org/)
> This section might also be worth a read:
> ‘4.3. Setting up permissions for USB ports’
> (http://www.gphoto.org/doc/manual/permissions-usb.html)
> Ayone else have ideas on this?

Not been following this tread properly but the OP might try using groupadd
to create the group and then add himself to that group, not sure if that is
what is needed though…

I cannot test as I do not have a camera that needs this configuration.

So not really very helpful.

Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum

Yes I did manage to read my camera by changing the entry o an existing group and giving myself permision

BUT this is a bug as it worked out of the box in 10.1, 10.3, and 11.0. Delivering software quoting a group that is not in the standatd /etc/group cannot be right.

==John ff