I installed from YAST - Octave, but there are no GUI icons in the menus - so can someone assist on how to place an icon within the GUI menu system ?. Thanks.
Also, Octave does not start any GUI windows - it did before when i had Opensuse 13.1, now on OpenSuse 13.2 - no GUI windows appearing, but i can see the program running as a process in a terminal window.
Any ideas ?.
Thanks and regards,
There is a gui for octave available. It is noted as experimental. It is available as a separate package from octave and is obtained from the 13.2/science repository. It is named octave-gui
It gets installed into the /usr/lib… directory. Most likely should be in the /usr/bin… directory with the other executable guis and more easily found by environment. Rather than move octave-gui around to make it more easy to run as a user, I created a launcher using alacarte menu editor.
I use mate desktop and octave-gui is in both mate menu and gnome menu under programming.
I am using the launcher command of:
“gnome-terminal -x /usr/lib/octave/3.8.2/exec/i586-suse-linux-gnu/octave-gui”
With limited testing I believe the gui is functional when accessed in the above manner.
Hope this helps,
Tom Kosvic
Hi Tom,
Thanks - yes - i can see the /usr/bin entries - and can run Octave from the terminal window - but i am sure that Opensuse 13.1 it was working with the GUI automatically.
I am using KDE - so not sure about the mate desktop aspect.
If i check YAST - there is an Octave-gui package installed - so not sure why it is not being run.
I do not have the sub directory as you have indicated.
I have searched Ocatve.org for a bug report - but there is none listed for opensuse.
As such - no gui listed in /usr/bin for octave.
Any ideas - how Octave gui would run for a KDE installation ?.
Thanks and regards,
Just reinstalled - still the same issue, only the cli is run.
Any ideas on who to contact for this ? as it seems to be a bug ?
On 2015-04-26 20:56, shadders wrote:
> Hi,
> Just reinstalled - still the same issue, only the cli is run.
The gui for 3.11 is installed in
There is no desktop file, so you don’t get a menu entry for it.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))
Hi Carlos,
Thank you very much - i ran the program and now have the GUI open and running - functioning too.
How would i then add a GUI icon to the desktop and menu system ?.
In general - how would this be done for any program ?
Is there an online resource explaining this ?
Thanks and regards,
On 2015-04-27 18:36, shadders wrote:
> How would i then add a GUI icon to the desktop and menu system ?.
I have done this, but I don’t remember offhand. Typically I don’t bother
to do it.
The menus are created automatically, by reading files with the .desktop
extension that packagers include in the rpms. For instance, krusader has
cer@minas-tirith:~> cat /usr/share/applications/kde4/krusader.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=krusader -caption "%c" %i
Comment=Twin-Panel File Manager
GenericName=File Manager
I think that you would have to create your file under
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))
I expect you are using version 3.8 of Octave. This version has experimental GUI, not very stable. You can use “octave --force-gui” command, see “2.1.1 Command Line Options” from manual. Octave 4.0 has stable GUI with .desktop file.