I’m trying to record/stream using the flatpak version of OBS Studio using the Gstreamer plugins com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.Gstreamer and com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.GStreamerVaapi from the /r/openSUSE reddit post, but fails to record/stream. It shows the following error:
Upon checking the logs, the says:
21:28:31.977: no element "x264enc"
This is for the H.264 encoder. For the H.265 encoder it outputs the following:
21:30:46.715: no element "vaapih265enc"
I ran gst-inspect-1.0 | grep vaapih264, to see if Gstreamer is detecting it. And the output confirms it:
I ran opi codecs and everything seems to be installed. So why does it fail? Am I missing a flatpak plugin?
I also noticed that whenever I select those encoders the Encoder Type box on the Encoder Settings page is blank and I can’t select my GPU (A 6700 XT).
I’m trying to use this encoder as a substitute to AMF since I can’t find a way to use it on OBS. I did try to install the AMDGPU-PRO drivers according to the wiki entry, but it didn’t work. Maybe Tumbleweed just can’t use those driver? Or is it lacking crucial information?
Flatpak (flathub) is not able to provide any x264/x256 codec due to patent/license restriction.
gst-inspect-1.0 | grep vaapih264 is inspecting the codecs of your host. Flatpaks don’t use codecs of the host but uses bundled libraries from the flatpak app itself. That is the concept of flatpak…
As @hui pointed out, the Flatpak version doesn’t use the codecs of the host, due to it’s sandboxing nature. Therefore, you have to install a native package version of OBS Studio in order to access them.
However, OBS Studio doesn’t offer a .rpm package, only a Ubuntu PPA.
For me, I’m using ahmedmoselhi2’s community package of the program, as it appears to be the most up to date. Tough I might switch to Packman’s version soon.
I hope you can forgive my procrastination and that this helps you.