nVidia settings PowerMizer options gone

Hello Everyone

More nVidia woes. I run a K2000M GPU in a W530 (Lenovo). I recently updated to the 310.44 driver and 270.41.06-1.13 nvidia settings. While trying to resolve video tearing issues I noticed that there are no PowerMizer settings in the settings dialog. I have seen them before (same card) but am not sure when last.

Can anybody else confirm that they are there or also missing. If they should be there does anyone have an idea why they might be missing?


Why are you using nvidia-settings 270.41.06?
Please uninstall that and libXNVCtrl.

The nvidia driver should include a newer nvidia-settings, use this one! (I don’t think the old one still works correctly with the latest driver)

Thank you very much. I just assumed that the nvidia-settings package that appeared in the YAST2 Software Management Dialog was the latest/correct one. BIG mistake. After your suggestion I looked at the repos I have configured and realised it’s coming from packman for some reason. I find it somewhat starnge that a legacy rpm like that is still being published in the current packman repo, but so be it. Having said that, I was suspicious of the 270 vs 310 version number but could not find anything newer and did not realise it was included in the driver rpm.

Anyway, thanks again, problem resolved, PowerMizer Settings are back and some other small improvements.

Now if I could only resolve the Video Tearing issue in KDE with or without compositing… Maybe you have some input. This is the thread: https://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/hardware/485398-nvidia-flickering-tearing-opensuse-12-3-a.html


It seems this package just has been forgotten, as the last change to it was 23 months ago…

Now if I could only resolve the Video Tearing issue in KDE with or without compositing… Maybe you have some input. This is the thread: https://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/hardware/485398-nvidia-flickering-tearing-opensuse-12-3-a.html

Well, my last answer there is from yesterday…:wink:
Not sure if I can help you, though. I don’t have an nvidia card myself, and never experienced any such problems with my old Radeon 9600 and the opensource “radeon” driver.