I have a 86x64 architecture and opensuse 13.1, I have downloaded NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 343.22, but the sh extraction command failed with this message:
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-343.22.run
Verifying archive integrity… OK
Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 343.22…Extraction failed.
OS Opensuse 13.1, kernel version is 3.11
processor 4xIntel(R) Core™ i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz
graphics card Intel VGA compatible controller
graphics card nVidia 3D controller
It seems to be an Optimus (Intel+NVIDIA GPU).
My trouble is with FreeCAD if I launch it, my machine gives this output:
ok You have an optimus based graphic system Intel+NVIDIA. you can not use the regular NVIDA driver on such a system please first uninstall any NVIDA drivers you may have installed then go here and follow the instructions exactly!!!
Well /tmp should be cleared with a reboot. If not you can clear it by booting to a live media and deleting all in /tmp
Note it is not exactly clear the /tmp it where the problem is. It maybe that you have accumulated large log files. If you have errors that you don’t attend to this can build up to take a lot of space. Unless you have installed every Linux program you run into or are using large databases 20 gig should be plenty of space (the size of root as reported)
So look in /var/log and /var/tmp and /run/log and see if you have any huge log files hanging around. Note if you do you should investigate what they ssay since it indicates a recuring problem. Use less filename.log to view since the files are usually too big to view in an editor.
cfdisk (util-linux 2.23.2)
Disk Drive: /dev/sda
Size: 750156374016 bytes, 750.1 GB
Heads: 255 Sectors per Track: 63 Cylinders: 91201
Name Flags Part Type FS Type [Label] Size (MB)
Well you can’t at least not without resizing and moving other partitions. You could reduce the size of the Windows partition (sda2) then move sda3 up then resize sda3 then resize the file system on sda3.
Note the above operations are inherently dangerous and you should do a full backup before attempting them. Any mistake or problem could result in data loss. .
IMO you should first see what is taking up all the extra space on the root partition and fix that. It is a lot safer then moving partitions around.
Note there is a possible way if you have a spare drive. you could simply create a partition there and mount it as /tmp This maybe a temp fix and you can set things back. But as I said it really does not address the problem of why you don’t have enough free space on root.
Add a repository to the system. The repository can be specified by its URI or can be read from specified .repo file (even remote).
Command options:
-r, --repo <file.repo> Just another means to specify a .repo file to read.
-t, --type <type> Type of repository (yast2, rpm-md, plaindir).
-d, --disable Add the repository as disabled.
-c, --check Probe URI.
-C, --no-check Don’t probe URI, probe later during refresh.
-n, --name <name> Specify descriptive name for the repository.
-k, --keep-packages Enable RPM files caching.
-K, --no-keep-packages Disable RPM files caching.
-g, --gpgcheck Enable GPG check for this repository.
-G, --no-gpgcheck Disable GPG check for this repository.
-f, --refresh Enable autorefresh of the repository.
Your first attempt to install the nvidia driver replaced some files needed by the Intel card, reinstall the package xorg-x11-server and it should work again.
Then I have followed exactly the instruction, but after having installed nvidia-bumblebee and nvidia-bumblebee-32bit, after rebooting the system, the GPU crashed and I have to reinstall the NVIDIA driver manually from terminal.
I have checked bumblebee opening a terminal and typing:
studio@linux:~> optirun --status
312.116694] [ERROR]You’ve no permission to communicate with the Bumblebee daemon. Try adding yourself to the ‘bumblebee’ group
312.116727] [ERROR]Could not connect to bumblebee daemon - is it running?
You must NOT have the regular driver installed it will NOT work with your system unless you turn off the Intel GPU. Some BIOS can do it some can’t.
If you install bumblebee you must have no trace of the normal NVIDIA driver in the system it will mess up the Intel. Only use the bumblebee version of the NVIDIA driver
Completely uninstall all NVIDIA packages. There are 5 normally installed.
You can log into a terminal as root and run yast to remove the NVIDIA drivers.
[QUOTE=gogalthorp;2668602]You must NOT have the regular driver installed it will NOT work with your system unless you turn off the Intel GPU. Some BIOS can do it some can’t.
If you install bumblebee you must have no trace of the normal NVIDIA driver in the system it will mess up the Intel. Only use the bumblebee version of the NVIDIA driver
Completely uninstall all NVIDIA packages. There are 5 normally installed.
You can log into a terminal as root and run yast to remove the NVIDIA drivers./QUOTE
How can I see the NVIDIA drivers installed and remove them ?