Nvidia GPU doesn't recognise NVIDIA drivers

I have installed Leap 42.3, with a new GPU (MSI GeForce 710 GT) which seems to be running OK with Nouveau except for occasional desktop crashes.

I also have the 42.3 Nvidia repo enabled and I would like to use those drivers to see if the crashes stop, but zypper inr does not result in the installation of the Nvidia drivers (which I assume should be the G04 set). Trying to install in Yast brings up warning messages which makes me a bit wary of doing it that way.

But I have managed to download the latest driver from MSI (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-378.09.run) but do not understand how to install it from a .run file. Any advice would be appreciated.

Occasional desktop crashes IMHO don’t match with ‘running OK’.

I also have the 42.3 Nvidia repo enabled and I would like to use those drivers to see if the crashes stop, but zypper inr does not result in the installation of the Nvidia drivers (which I assume should be the G04 set). Trying to install in Yast brings up warning messages which makes me a bit wary of doing it that way.

But I have managed to download the latest driver from MSI (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-378.09.run) but do not understand how to install it from a .run file. Any advice would be appreciated.

Here’s how to do that: SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE Wiki , we used to call it "the hard way, which isn’t hard at all’ :D. Mind, you’d have to redo that on each kernel update ( or Mesa update ). And be aware that Leap 42.3 has not been released officially, it currently is in what used to be known as RC phase.

Thank you for that Knurpht, I’ll give the “hard way” a try. I don’t think one or two crashes a day is too bad. :slight_smile: