I just added a NVIDIA NVS300 to my machine (with two monitors now, both acer al1912), reinstalled 13.1 64 bit, added nvidia repositories, updated and ran nvidia-xconfig and got my two screens … however they do not have the same resolution. The first one has 1280x1024 (as expected) and the second one has 640x480 :’( (expected also 1280x1024)
I hoped to fix this with nvidia-settings … but both monitors use the highest resolution available within nvidia-settings.
The machine is dual-boot with windows 7. In windows 7 I was able to set the resolution of the second monitor to 1280x1014 (using the “windows” nvidia-settings tool), therefore I concluded that the hardware is capable of giving me the expected result
I just can’t get this (dual screens both on 1280x1024) to work on linux, any suggestions??