NVIDIA_drm error message on boot

I am using the Nvidia drivers version 545.29.06 on Tumbleweed with a GeForce RTX 3060. On boot I receive the following message:

18.867137] [drm:nv_drm_atomic_commit [nvidia_drm]] ERROR [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Flip event timeout on head 0.

I believe there is also one for head 1. I am running Plasma on X and it boots up fine and the NVIDIA settings program shows I am running NVIDIA drivers and the initial driver install was error free. I will say that Plasma can be less reliable than it should be. Is this error affecting my system and can I (should I) fix it?


@bearymore Hi, fire up nvidia-settings and under OpenGL Settings check the box ‘Allow Flipping’ and see if that helps…

There is also this thread https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/545-29-02-fbdev-1-cause-nvidia-drm-flip-event-timeout-on-boot-errors/272829 and https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/545-29-06-18-1-flip-event-timeout-error-on-startup-shutdown-and-sometimes-suspend-wayland-unusable/274788/9

/sbin/modinfo nvidia_drm | grep parm:
parm:           modeset:Enable atomic kernel modesetting (1 = enable, 0 = disable (default)) (bool)
parm:           fbdev:Create a framebuffer device (1 = enable, 0 = disable (default)) (EXPERIMENTAL) (bool)

Seems adding nvidia_drm.fbdev=0 resolved it…

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Allow flipping was already enabled. Where do I add nvidia_drm.fbdev=0?

@bearymore via YaST Bootloader in the Kernel Parameters Tab → Optional Kernel Command Line Parameter and press ok to rebuild grub, then reboot and test…

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Tried it and it worked. No more boot messages. Whether or not it increases reliability remains to be seen. Thanks for your help.