nvidia drivers 11.3

You will have to wait and see what develops.
At a rough guess, I would say if your system works for now, leave it till the 11.3 nvidia repos appear. If the problems are niggling, then stay with 11.2 till they are fixed.

As an aside:
Through all of this are we missing something perhaps?
When I first used linux (redhat 3 or so) you used OLD HARDWARE because it had been reverse engineered and you knew all the details of your hardware. The latest hardware probably couldn’t work.
We have now progressed to the point where hardware that is a few years old is considered obsolete and no longer supported, and all the emphasis is being placed on the latest and greatest.
For most users older hardware does everything we ask of it. The latest seems to be aimed more at the gamer than the person who uses the pc for work.

When I first installed 10.1 on the same hardware, I had to play around to get it to work.
Then 10.3 to 11.2 improved every time.
Now with 11.3, I have a problem!

I think i wait. My problems are minor and i don’t really game on my system so no need for 3D.
At least i don’t have to gamble. If i had two machines, i might would. |)

Trying to install nvidia driver the “hard way,” no luck

Partial output from nvidia-installer log file

echo " ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid."

echo " Run ‘make oldconfig && make prepare’ on kernel src to fix it.";

ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module ‘nvidia.ko’. This happens most
frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or
improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs
from the one used to build the target kernel

Other inf.

linux-s6hv:/home/andy # cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.34-12-desktop (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292] (SUSE Linux) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-06-29 02:39:08 +0200

gcc 4.5-4.2 is installed not sure if this is correct version, gcc 4.5.0 is not available in repos.

opensuse procedure says disable KMS after running the install yet people here appear to add nomodeset to boot options before running the install. Ideas? Or should I just wait for drivers to appear in repos?


Do you have the kernel headers installed?
If not got to yast2>software and select/install the kernel development option.

Why don’t you just add the NVIDIA repo that’s in the Community section?

Two reasons:

  1. It wasn’t up when I did this.
  2. Adding tne modelines to xorg.conf is still valid. If I remove it all and restart x,I still only get 1024 resolution.
    This means that for those that were having problems before with older or unrecognised monitors will still have them.

Yeah, all fixed up. Followed procedures at links below. Need to do all the configuring before running the install. Thanks.

Install Nvidia driver with openSUSE 11.3 while there is no repo - Jobapedia

Opensuse 11.3 Count Down - PC Pitstop Forums

Good news, but …
Now that the nvidia repo is up perhaps you should uninstall the nvidia supplied driver and install the one from the repo. It will save you a lot of pain on the next kernel upgrade when you will have to remake the modules against the new kernel.

Not so much pain, it’s not necessary to re-install the whole driver, just need to send the rebuild kernel module command -K form the command prompt in init 3.

sh /home/user/NVIDIA…pkg.run -K

Besides the repo’ does not hold the current driver, repo has the 195 version whereas the current version is 256.

i used this repository for nvidia driver and on my machine all works ootb after installing this driver. all i had to to is adding this repo to yast/zypper and start the softwaremanagement tool. ysat recognizes the driver you need and does everything else for you…


Yeah actually it ain’t much of a problem…

Since your graphics driver wont be loaded after a kernel update you would be getting only a console directly… You can either run it with the -K option or simply re-execute the script and it does everything for you… This is the easiest way instead of relying on some repos which never get updated often or the noveau driver which does not provide most of the features in the proprietary driver… nVidia is to blame for all this since they’re not willing to give an open source version of their driver directly…

compositing is back after installing these and removing the xorg.conf!