If I just want read-access to ntfs storage what is you recommendations in terms of performance and stability on current 15.4?
Native kernel-support:
Native kernel-support is blacklisted in OpenSUSE but it should be possible to whitelist using modprobe ntfs, but I get and error saying the module doesn’t exist in /lib/modules/5.14.21-150400.22-default and I can’t find it on software.opensuse.org
How can I fix this?
How is ntfs-3g compared to the native-kernel support (in terms of read of course).
ntfs3/ufsd (paragon):
Can only find source-files. Tried to build it myself install kernel-source but I still get errors:
Running install.sh: Can't prepare driver configuration
Running configure: Can't find kernel source files
I wonder why I can’t find a package, at least on software.opensuse.org)
Yes, I know and OpenSUSE 15.4 runs 5.14
Not sure what kind of issues I can run into if using backport kernel version, especially with future updates of 5.14.
FWIW from a know-little user like me: I’ve never had trouble reading and writing to NTFS formatted partitions since I transitioned to openSUSE in 2017. No missing files, no file corruption issues. I see now that I have ntfs-3g installed, but may never have checked before.
I succeeded building the Paragon so-called UFSD -driver for OpenSUSE 15.4 (i.e. their pendant to the native NTFS3 kernel-driver in version >= 15.5).
More precise build agaisnt kernel 5.14.21-150400.24.38, but I guess/hope it will work for all 15.4 builds (?)
UFSD will have better performance and better NTFS support then NTFS-3G as it run at kernel whereas NTFS-3G run in userspace.