Now Shipping Free openSUSE DVDs

Just wanting the Online community to know that We ( have dvd’s supplied by openSUSE available through our Quick Ship free disc program.

Joe “Zonker” Brocmeier had 250 DVDs sent for us to distribute, but because there isn’t a link on the download page yet most folks don’t know about it. More will be sent for us to distribute when these run out.

If the others we ship are any indication, when the link is posted they will fly out of here in a hurry. If we run out we’ll make the DVDs here until stock is replaced.

The DVDs are here:

Quick Ship info here:
Quick_Ship_Free_Disc_Service -

If anyone needs discs for a Linux Fest or other event please let us know:

Also, if anyone ins interested, you can further promote this by making a banner to run at (100,000 free impressions), which can also win free discs (including shipping charges) for your local linux or FOSS group. See: » Banner Rotation at and » September Disc Giveaway

I was unable to post this in announcements, so if a forum moderator has a more suitable location for this post feel free to move it, copy it, or whatever you feel is appropriate.

Thankyou – It’s been copied to Announcements