@#$! Nouveau

This driver is what chased me away from Fedora back when they rolled it in (Also, removing shoutcast from Amarok ). I have blacklisted it, uninstalled it, modprobe -r it in boot.local, nomodeset it, rdblacklisted it etc, etc but I still have hanging issues whenever starting nvidia-settings or opengl apps - sometimes. If I reboot it might be alright - it might not - mostly not. Arrrghhhhh!

Do I really have to cut it out of the kernel to stop this?

Is there some other fix? Nothing gets posted in the log files either.

11.3 x64 w/ Nvidia driver ( one click or hard way same issues ).

This worked for me
nVidia Driver via Repo in 11.3 - Guide

Thanks, I saw the same howto somewhere else and did all those steps. Still have the issue.

Thanks again just the same.

What graphics hardware exactly.

Once you remove it from initrd, it’s gone - permanently.

Sorry, its a Toshiba laptop with Nvidia GT 230M. How exactly do I remove it from initrd? Also, lsmod probe | grep nouveau shows nothing, but ps aux | grep nouveau shows:

root 307 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 21:03 0:00 [nouveau/0]
root 308 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 21:03 0:00 [nouveau/1]

What is that?

I get the open source ideal but man, this seems like a real headache.


Well, after messing around I realized that I didn’t run mkinitrd after changing the NO_KMS_WHATEVER in /etc/sysconfig. I did that and it looks to have solved the problem. Now I need to do that on my regular PC with 9800GTX+.

Thanks folks!

Hello sambooka ,

The message

Once you remove it from initrd, it’s gone - permanently.

is a little misconstrued and VERY misleading. My understanding of the documentation is that blacklisting nouveau and adding the “nomodeset” option to your boot options SHOULD disable the nouveau driver. But things don’t always work as expected. The advice I quoted should have told you to remove modeset from the initrd.

As the user “root”,

Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/kernel

Change the line that reads:




Rebuild the initrd by running the command “mkinitrd”

Reboot and enjoy pre-modeset, pre-nouveau kernel goodness!

PS … I’m using the nouveau driver on FC13 … works great … did not work as well for me OS11.3, where I use the proprietary nvidia driver.

I did that and thought I had it; however, when I click Nvidia-settings dialog or other OpenGL apps (ioquake3 ), at times, the KDE desktop just stops. In the case of nvidia-settings dialog, eventually it will open, but the desktop stops, then in 10s it will update a bit, then lock again…and so on until it finally opens.

Maybe its an Nvidia (254.44) / suse 11.3 problem? System worked great in 11.2!

Hello sambooka,

I’m not sure what the 254.44 signifies; I always stick with latest stable on the proprietary NVidia drivers. I like stable!

Just bouncing around the forum, it seems like there quite a few issues with KDE 4.4.X / 4.5 / 4.?.? and various eye-candy effects from kwin and/or compiz … I’ve not as much as seen a KDE screenshot for years … so I can’t say more than that I’ve seen some interesting posts.

I do know that the gnome desktop is very stable with Nvidia proprietary driver + compiz + super tux racer

Have fun!


there is a howto on the official nouveau website on how to completely remove it from your system forever (I do not have the link handy and it is buried on that site in their wiki). Even taking it out of init will leave cruft on any binary distro , and then with updates it will always come back, blacklisting it will not work completely , or adding the grub lines. You also need to take it out of your kernel .config . It is a tedious task for such a module and as much good as they want to do with open source nvidia drivers, I still cannot understand why this is totally pushed on all nvidia users across binary distros. Should be some advanced option during install to use it or not imho.

> there is a howto on the official nouveau website on how to completely
> remove it from your system forever (I do not have the link handy and it
> is buried on that site in their wiki). Even taking it out of init will
> leave cruft on any binary distro , and then with updates it will always
> come back, blacklisting it will not work completely , or adding the grub
> lines. You also need to take it out of your kernel .config . It is a
> tedious task for such a module and as much good as they want to do with
> open source nvidia drivers, I still cannot understand why this is
> totally pushed on all nvidia users across binary distros. Should be some
> advanced option during install to use it or not imho.

Yep. I agree. Might as well be Windows at this point.
Staying on 11.2 until this mess sorts out.

One of the best reads (imho) of late about nouveau. When it even broke Linus’s box. Really interesting read to the insides of nouveau and the kernel. LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [git pull] drm request 3