NOTICE: Forums offline 2013.10.15

On Tuesday, October 15 at approximately 21:00 UTC (3 pm MDT) our forum service, both HTTP and NNTP will be taken offline to move our NNTP servers to new hardware. We expect the outage to take approximately 6 hours. The web interface will be suspended during the move to try to keep both interfaces in sync as much as possible. Thanks for your patience.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 21:56:03 +0000, kgroneman wrote:

> On Tuesday, October 15 at approximately 21:00 UTC (3 pm MDT) our forum
> service, both HTTP and NNTP will be taken offline to move our NNTP
> servers to new hardware. We expect the outage to take approximately 6
> hours. The web interface will be suspended during the move to try to
> keep both interfaces in sync as much as possible. Thanks for your
> patience.

Maybe a little late on this, but there were some issues last night so the
web interface was brought back up while they worked on resolving the NNTP
side issues.

Those issues are now resolved. NNTP is back up. There will be missing
messages; we apologise for any inconvenience that may cause.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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