This is an interesting development for users of pulseeffects; I use it for the equalizer. I’ve read that Arch is pushing hard to replace pulseaudio with pipewire. Will openSUSE go that route?
> rpm -q --changelog pulseeffects | head -n48
* Fri Jan 08 2021 Konstantin Voinov <>
- Update to version 4.8.4
* Added Allpass filter in Equalizer plugin.
* The equalizer UI is now correctly shown when a profile with
30 bands is loaded at startup.
* Added a workaround for systems that were crashing because the
locale is not correctly set at system level.
Note to packagers:
* This is the last release supporting Pulseaudio. The following
PulseEffects releases will be based on the new Pipewire
multimedia server and only fixes to critical bugs will be
backported to the legacy pulseaudio branch
- Changes from 4.8.3
* New Noise Reduction plugin based on the RNNoise library.
* Band Quality factor exposed in the Equalizer main interface.
* A new settings was added to the general section of our settings
menu: Activity Timeout. It is the time during which
PulseEffects monitors if there is any application playing audio.
If there is none we stop our playback stream in order to save
cpu usage. This timeout has been in place for a long time but
until now its value could not be configured by the user.
* When no application is playing audio PulseEffects pipeline is
now put in the ready state instead of the paused state. This
should help to reduce cpu usage in situations like the ones
described in
* Updated Chinese translation.
* Values outside GTK widgets are now shown according to system
locale settings.
* Applying APO Equalizer preset when locale is different than "C"
is now working properly.
* Equalizer and Crystalizer UI redesigned: band wrapper is
extended to fit all the available horizontal space; homogeneous
property has been applied to get the same space between band sliders.
* App info and plugin interfaces made scrollable: now PulseEffects
window does not change its size when switching beetween plugins.
* Loudness plugin: removed reference signal button (test signals can
be used in its stead); input value is now saved to preset.
Note to packagers:
* The Noise Reduction is an optional plugin. For it to be
available to the user the library RNNoise has to be installed when
PulseEffects is compiled.
I hope the openSUSE package maintainer saw this note!
Do we need to do anything else to turn it on? It looks like pipewire.socket is the trigger.
> systemctl --all --user list-units pipewire*
pipewire.service loaded inactive dead Multimedia Service
pipewire.socket loaded active listening Multimedia System
LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
2 loaded units listed.
> systemctl --user status pipewire.service
● pipewire.service - Multimedia Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
TriggeredBy: ● pipewire.socket
> systemctl --user status pipewire.socket
● pipewire.socket - Multimedia System
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire.socket; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (listening) since Mon 2021-01-18 14:53:59 PST; 8min ago
Triggers: ● pipewire.service
Listen: /run/user/1000/pipewire-0 (Stream)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/pipewire.socket
Jan 18 14:53:59 Mobile-PC systemd[1695]: Listening on Multimedia System.
AFAIK install pipewire-pulseaudio and allow to delete the obsolete packages (~10). Does it work, not tested Asking my GNOME contacts as to the status, then will look at testing.
I tried yesterday to install pipewire on my KDE-based system. Rebooting led to a login screen (it should have auto-logged in) and I couldn’t get it to load the desktop. I tried de-installing pipewire and reinstalling what had been deleted but no luck. I ended up having to reinstall from scratch.
I should have been suspicious when I saw that one of the packages that pipewire deleted was “plasma-desktop”.
Maybe installing on a GNOME-based or other non-KDE system would not have resulted in such a calamity.