Not Able access the USB drive or pen drive

Hi there,

I just installed opensuse 11.2 and was invented with a issue where usb was not detected by the OS.

i tried lsusb no details were display, can any one let me know how shall i resolve this issue

What is the output of:

lshal | grep usb

If you have,
then your system is ok.
It is probably the usb you got,
or the name brand.
If you have another problem list the/your hard/software.

thanks for the info,
when is execute lshal |grep usb
it is not resulting any details, that mean it does not exists in the output of lshal command

i want reconfigure usb can you tell how shall i do that

Your usb should be autoconfigured. It seems you have some issue with your usb hardware.
Do you have any other OS or openSUSE Live CD to boot and check?

ya i did boot with live cd of opensuse 11.1. it detect the usb

im using community server, we initiated the installation process also it detected the usb drive. but post installation it was not.

however now i have installed opensuse 11.1 using the live cd, now it is working but i want that to work with 11.2.

Look in the dmesg output for any error messsages:

dmesg | grep usb