No window Manger for GNOME

Some how I screwed up GNOME and there is no Window manager running. windows come up but they don’t have borders and buttons and they flicker and “slide” to the lower right corner. LXDE and KDE work just fine. I created a guest account, and that one has the same problem so I don’t think its a config error on my personal settings.

Its a new Dell 6410 and a fresh 11.3 64bit install. At one point it was working fine, but as I was upgrading and tweaking other things I broke it (unknowingly). I tried to update everything, so consequently I’m at 2.32

Any thoughts?

dose the problem persist after a reboot .
i have had a similar “bug” from firefox causing it
a flash issue , i think .

if this is not it then
? are you running compiz ? if so turn it off , reboot, and see if that fixes it .

been through many reboots…Where do I turn off compiz? I am not familiar with it.

compiz is the 3d desktop effects

if you do not know what it is then you most likely did not turn them on
but you might have
System / look and feel / Desktop effects

and uncheck the enable check box

this ( below)should not be causing it but ? it might
what is your 3d card - if you have one- or the built in pseudo 3d chip on the mobo
and what is the driver for it

On 2010-09-30 01:36, NickyRuggs wrote:
> been through many reboots…Where do I turn off compiz? I am not
> familiar with it.

Control panel / look and feel → untick “enable desktop effects”.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

no luck…but aren’t those the KDE settings?

Ok then lets try this a different way, where can I find the logs, nothing shows up in dmesg

On 2010-10-02 22:36, NickyRuggs wrote:
> Ok then lets try this a different way, where can I find the logs,
> nothing shows up in dmesg

Most under /var/log. Some at ~/.session*

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)