Just installed Leap 15.1, fresh install on Machine #1 [Signature]
Trying to upgrade the smplayer software from 18.2.2-lp151.2.5-x86_64 to the latest version 19.10.2. [or some version newer than I have]
Usually when I go to Yast>Software Management and search on Smplayer, it shows what version is installed and if there are newer versions that can be upgraded to.
This time it only shows the version installed.
I know there is a newer version.
I have gone to smplayer site to the download area https://www.smplayer.info/en/downloads
which takes me to https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Asmplayerdev&package=smplayer
“Select your operating system”, I then click on opensuse icon and select the version of the OS.
This is where I would choose Leap/opensuse 15.1, however this OS version does not appear.
Even if I click on “Add repository and install manually” it does not show a repo for 15.1.
“Grab binary packages directly” it also does not show anything for 15.1
I have also tried to just go to software.opensuse.org to search for smplayer 19.10 but it only shows 18.2.2 for Leap 15.1, however it does show 19.10.2 for Tumbleweed.
I don’t necessarily want 19.10.2, but I do want a newer version than 18.2.2 which is over a year old.
Other than compiling can someone please suggest a way to upgrade this software?
Thank you
An openSUSE Leap version is released with packages that were available and passed testing before that version is frozen. After that no new version are normaly made available in the official repos that form that version. Only security and recommended updates are provide as patches (often retrofitted from newer versions hiher up in the pipeline.
Thus I do not understand you at all when you say
Usually when I go to Yast>Software Management and search on Smplayer, it shows what version is installed and if there are newer versions that can be upgraded to.
because usualy they are not.
There is no smplayer newer than 18.2.2 in the** offical **openSUSE Repos for Leap 15.1
“official” being the operative word here??
I found a newer version [19.10.0] in the “multimedis:apps” repository specifically for Leap 15.1. Show multimedia:apps / smplayer - openSUSE Build Service
Is this an acceptable repository? What might be the consequences of installing this version?
Over the years of using smplayer it has been my experience that nothing but the recent versions work.
“Select your operating system”, I then click on opensuse icon and select the version of the OS.
This is where I would choose Leap/opensuse 15.1, however this OS version does not appear.
My question is "Why would it show no mention of openSuse 15.1 here? https://paste.opensuse.org/35235589
It shows openSuse Tumbleweed, openSuse Leap 42.3, openSuse Leap 42.2, openSuse Leap 42.1, openSuse Leap 15.0, openSuse 13.2. There is no openSuse Leap 15.1.
I have no idea. Better ask the owner of this home repo. The fact that he still seems to have versions available for long discontinued openSUSE releases suggests (s)he does not realy maintain it up-to-date though.
The v19.10.0 from multimedia:apps looks like a solid choice.
Long list of Users/contributors which is a who’s who of the private home builds.
Good Build success rate.
Latest version added to the repo only a month ago.
The openSUSE powers that be decided to call the more solid repos backed by Projects and groups (whom I call Community) “experimental” but IMO is the less risky choice.
The individual repos openSUSE chooses to call “Community” are actually the more risky since they are individuals with few ways to check their reputation.
My recommendation is to ignore what openSUSE calls “Experimental” and “Community,”
Instead use your head and decide what is experimental or community, whether the repo is more or less risky based on the number of people who are involved in that repo.