No tray icons

I’ve just installed Tumbleweed with GNOME desktop and then proceeded to install my favorite applications. After installing MEGASync for cloud storage It showed an information that system tray could not be found. I restarted the app and signed in to my account. Sync begun but there is no icon in system tray. I searched for tray in GNOME Shell extensions through Software application and installed traytop extension but it didn’t help. I don’t know if the problem is only with MEGASync because I can’t think of any other app that runs with tray icon right now. Could anyone tell me where are tray icons in Tumbleweed with GNOME appearing and if I need any additional extension to see them?

As far as I know, the latest Gnome has dropped support for tray icons.

For example, I use “gapcmon” to monitor my UPS. And I have it set to put the icons in the tray. If I run Gnome, I cannot see them. However, I can run KDE, and there they are. Or I can run Icewm and manually start “gapcmon”, and I can see the icons. I mention “Icewm” because it is always installed.

Once I can see the tray icons (in KDE or Icewm), I can use those to access “gapcmon”, and reconfigure it to not put its icons in the tray. After that, they show up as Windows when I login to Gnome. But they are annoying as Windows. That’s one of the reasons that I prefer KDE.

I mention the details for “gapcmon” in case you can do something similar for your application.

As best I recall, the tray icons in Gnome were accessible up through Gnome 3.24, but disappeared for Gnome 3.26 and later. There might be a shell extension that you can install to get them back. Try a web search.

On Sun 01 Apr 2018 01:26:01 PM CDT, nrickert wrote:

As far as I know, the latest Gnome has dropped support for tray icons.

For example, I use “gapcmon” to monitor my UPS. And I have it set to
put the icons in the tray. If I run Gnome, I cannot see them. However,
I can run KDE, and there they are. Or I can run Icewm and manually
start “gapcmon”, and I can see the icons. I mention “Icewm” because it
is always installed.

Once I can see the tray icons (in KDE or Icewm), I can use those to
access “gapcmon”, and reconfigure it to not put its icons in the tray.
After that, they show up as Windows when I login to Gnome. But they are
annoying as Windows. That’s one of the reasons that I prefer KDE.

I mention the details for “gapcmon” in case you can do something similar
for your application.

As best I recall, the tray icons in Gnome were accessible up through
Gnome 3.24, but disappeared for Gnome 3.26 and later. There might be a
shell extension that you can install to get them back. Try a web

TopIcons Plus is the extension to use for

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.3|GNOME 3.20.2|4.4.120-45-default
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