No sound output for USB DAC bridge


I got an Oehlbach USB DAC bridge to have better sound output on my laptop.
If I plug in the device, it gets recognized just fine.
But when I select it as output device in VLC media player, i hear sound only for few seconds before it breaks down.
I also tried to select it with Audacious audio player and I see it fine in the ixns or aplayer outputs.
But plugin and playback seems not to work, how can we debug this?

Thanks a lot!

Install pavucontrol and play with that. Also, try some other USB port.

thanks but not sure which player? what error message to look out for?
I see pavucontrol is already installed but still no sound :frowning:

‘pavucontrol’ is already installed.
No update candidate for ‘pavucontrol-3.0-2.4.x86_64’. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies…

So have you run it. Installing alone is not enough you need to start it and check/experiment with settings