No sound in Suse

I use Suse 12.2. I also have Ubuntu installed. I have no sound in Suse but there is sound in Ubuntu. When I play test sound from YaST, I am being able to hear the sound. But normally, there is no sound. I tried this link without any fruits: PAV is not detecting the sound card which Yast is detecting…

N.B.: Also, the extremely helpful SuSE forum members helped me recover grub2 for which I had to zero-fill the last sector of the disk…

Please help…

What DE are you using?

This was good information. It tells us your hardware is ok if it works with Ubuntu. It also tells us your hardware is compatible with GNU/Linux if it works with Ubuntu.

If the sound works in YaST, it tells us it works with root permissions on openSUSE.

Hence I deduce the problem is likely either (1) permissions problem, or (2) regular user mixer problem (with sound muted) where root user does not have the bad mixer setting.

If case(1) a permissions problem, then one possibility would be to add your regular user to group ‘audio’. That can be done in YaST > Security and Users > User and Group Management > Edit > Details, select ‘audio’ > click ok … etc… Then reboot and test. If this is a mixer problem that will not help.

If case(2) a regular user mixer problem, we need to see your regular user mixer settings to determine if one of the mixer parameters is muted. I can give commands to unmute but without seeing your mixer they could totally unrelated to the problem. so could you as a ‘regular user’ run a diagnostic script with your PC connected to the Internet please ?


and post here the Internet web address that provides. Then we can look at that and deduce if there is a parameter muted.

Its also possible just typing:


or some combination of arguments with that command will tell us if there is anything muted, but that yields far less information and it may not be suffcient to see the problem. Running the script is more useful.

Note I leave in about 8 hours for the airport to fly to a different continent, and my Internet access over the next month will minimal to none. But there are many others who can help you here. Best wishes and luck !

Thanx for your prompt reply.

Solution (1) didnt work and so I ran the script in solution (2). Here is the url:

As far as DE is concerned,

I had insatlled my Suse using Live KDE USB but I use GNOME (I installed it later using YaST). There is no sound in either of the two DE’s.

Hello! Anyone???

Can someone give me a command to adjust volume in alsa???


I was getting ‘Dummy output’ in PAV. I installed alsa pulseaudio plugin and it solved my problem. PAV now detects my sounds!!!

Thanx to God and to you all…

On 2012-12-15 05:36, americast wrote:
> I use Suse 12.2.

Notice that there is no such thing as “Suse 12.2”. There is “openSUSE
12.2”, and “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server” 11. Notice that SUSE has a
different forum than this one, which is dedicated to openSUSE only.

Details are important.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

Congratulations on solving your sound problem.

I’m now a continent away (on vacation) with limited internet access, and I checked this thread out of curiousity.

I see you have solved the problem. Well done.

For other’s who are curious (and also as to how I would have proceeded if you had not supplied the solution) :

I note from the script:

!!Sound Servers on this system

      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
      Running - Yes

so clearly pulse audio was installed and running.

I also note from the script:

!!Aplay/Arecord output


ALSA lib conf.c:3700:(snd_config_update_r) **Cannot access file /etc/alsa-pulse.conf**
ALSA lib control.c:951:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
aplay: device_list:265: control open (0): **No such file or directory**
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****


ALSA lib conf.c:3700:(snd_config_update_r) **Cannot access file /etc/alsa-pulse.conf**
ALSA lib control.c:951:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
arecord: device_list:265: control open (0): **No such file or directory**
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****

!!Amixer output

!!-------Mixer controls for card 0 [Intel]

ALSA lib conf.c:3700:(snd_config_update_r) **Cannot access file /etc/alsa-pulse.conf**
ALSA lib control.c:951:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
amixer: Control device hw:0 open error: **No such file or directory**
ALSA lib conf.c:3700:(snd_config_update_r) **Cannot access file /etc/alsa-pulse.conf**
ALSA lib control.c:951:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
amixer: Mixer attach hw:0 error: **No such file or directory**

Clearly the file “alsa-pulse.conf” can not be found.

If I then type on my PC:

whereis alsa-pulse.conf

I get:

alsa-pulse: /etc/alsa-pulse.conf

telling me that file should be in the directory /etc/

Then if I type:

rpm -qf /etc/alsa-pulse.conf

That tells me the file should be located in the rpm:


One then needs to check if that rpm alsa-plugins-pulse is properly installed, which is as you noted. alsa-plugins-pulse is necessary and as you have reported, it was not installed on your PC.

But I am puzzled. My understanding is that file should be installed by default.

Can you speculate as to why that was not the case ? Why was the file not installed by default ? How did you install openSUSE-12.2 ? via an upgrade ? Were there complications during the install ?

Its very strange to encounter this problem.

Thanx for your reply. It was very kind of you to try and help me when you were in such a difficult situation. I had not noticed this sound problem for many days as hardly I play songs. Just a few days back, when I was increasing my system volume, I got no output sound and only then did I find out that something was wrong with the OS. Recently before that, I had done the following things (anyone of them could have caused the problem):

  1. I had to zero-filled the last sector of my HDD to get grub2 installed.

  2. I wanted to uninstall LibreOffice, for which I had run the command

 sudo zypper remove *libre*

which in turn uninstalled many other programs, (eg: the firewall).

Most probably, No. 2 caused the problem. Anyway, the problem is now solved.

I had installed my OS using Live USB.

On 2012-12-18 14:26, americast wrote:
> 2) I wanted to uninstall LibreOffice, for which I had run the command
> Code:
> --------------------
> sudo zypper remove libre
> --------------------
> which in turn uninstalled many other programs, (eg: the firewall).

Oh :frowning:

That’s a reason I prefer Yast for those things, so that I can verify and

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

Actually, YaST was not being able to perform my desired operation as it was shutting down with an error message: ‘YAST received YCP signal…’(I dont remember the rest) as something was wrong with my libreoffice package. Now its fixed but still my libreoffice has no dictionary and spell check is not working…!