no sound in players ....

i dont have sound in player … no sound no movie

i tried to install codec but i cant … packman package also not installed … i dont know what should i do :frowning: i use OpenSuse 11.3 KDE

I see that you are a relative new user to these parts. So welcome to the openSUSE forums tf2000. You have got to visit the following forum and tell us that you have indeed read through all of this material intended for new users.

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i do everything exactly … but again no sound in player … when i want to install codec give this error for packman … honestly i am new and know little about linux … :smiley: pls help

its solved … tnQ bro

tf2000 its solved … tnQ bro

If at first you do not succeed, try try again. Happy to hear of your success. If you are really new to Linux, you have to read and try things more than once to get the hang of what you are doing. This is very normal. For new users, here is some info about the forums here at

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