No Sound From Speakers...

I have openSUSE 13.2 (64-bit) with the KDE environment installed on a desktop PC that connects to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. The sound card is Asus Xonar.
All of a sudden today there is no sound going through the speakers. All I did was run zypper up and install some patches.
I know that there is no problem with the sound card or the speakers because everything works fine with Microsoft Windows 7.
Can somebody please help me out?

is there a tiny red X on the volume icon ?
if the speakers are turned off at the time of boot
the system can set the volume to “mute”

and / or
run in the terminal


and unmute the volume

I’ve had updates totally turn down the volume to zero. SO always check the levels

Volume icon has no tiny red X and Alsamixer confirms that volume is at 100%.

Don’t see any problems with the volume level, both in Alsamixer and with the icon in the lower-right status bar.

a few things
something might have gotten reset

Kickoff / computer / Yast2
click on " sound "
in the pop up window is your card listed

and the KDE settings
Kickoff / Applications / configure Desktop

multimedia and the audio-video settings

then run through the tests

BUT first just double check
Are the speakers turned ON ? and the knob is not set to ZERO

Same here. What JohnVV said, just run Yast and logoff/on or reboot.


Thanks, JohnVV.
Going to Kickoff -> Computer -> YaST -> Sound, I saw that my Xonar DX card was not configured. So I hit the Edit button and selected the Quick Automatic Setup option. After that I selected the card as my primary one.
Everything seems to be working now.
Thanks again.