Congratulations on getting your sound to work !! Thank you for sharing your solution.
On a related (but slightly different note), my recommendation is you next spend some time setting up your multimedia applications. Note openSUSE as installed typically is very limited in its multimedia, but if one knows how it is quick and easy to update to first rate multimedia via 3rd party software packages. The way to do that easily is to update your openSUSE’s Software Package Manager’s repositories.
I recommend you add 4 and only 4 repositories to your software package manager. Repositories (as you may remember from reading the concepts page link I provided) are in essence file servers on the internet that have applications, drivers, and codecs. The 4 repositories I recommend are OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Pacman. Just those 4. No others. None. Adding others can cause problems that require slightly above average to advanced knowledge to sort, and IMHO if you are new to Linux then it is unlikely you have that knowledge yet. There is no need to add complications when one is just starting out.
So go here: Repositories/11.1 - openSUSE-Community and follow those instructions to setup OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Packman. No others. If others are enabled then remove them. It is possible the 1st three (OSS, Non-OSS, Update) are already enabled, in which case you only need to add and enable Packman. In particular, do not add videolan repository, as it requires above average openSUSE knowledge to prevent applications/codecs from that repository causing problem with those of Packman.
Once those 4 repositories (OSS, Non-OSS, Update, Packman) are added, with your PC connected to the Internet, go to YaST > Software > Software Management, and if using openSUSE-11.1 change “filter” setting to “search” and search for and install the Packman packaged version of amarok, amarok-xine, amarok-packman, libxine1, xine-ui, smplayer, mplayerplug-in, vlc, libffmpeg0, w32codec-all, libquicktime0, xvidcore, libxvidcore4. The last 5 will help install useful codecs.
Note you can tell the packman packaged versions of applications by the “pm” in the version number. If there are Novell/SuSE-GmbH versions, replace them with the Packman packaged versions.
When you start amarok, change its sound engine to xine.
Note if you are using an openSUSE version older than 11.1, then its a bit trickier to install the Packman libxine1 … advise if that is the case and you are having problems and I can walk you thru how to do that.
Good luck.