No rights to access DVD, even as root???


When I insert some homemade DVDs of a friend, I can’t view its contents. DVD works fine on windows XP, but not on opensuse. Dolphin gives an error: access denied to /media/071114_1638.

I can’t do a chown command because dvd is read-only…

And when I do an ls -l I get:

ls -la /media/071114_1638/
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/.: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/..: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/Disturbia: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/Fracture: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/Mr. Brooks: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/Premonition: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/The Bourne Ultimatum: Permission denied
ls: can't access /media/071114_1638/Transformers: Permission denied
totaal 0
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? .
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? ..
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? Disturbia
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? Fracture
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? Mr. Brooks
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? Premonition
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? The Bourne Ultimatum
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? Transformers

and as root:

sudo ls -la /media/071114_1638/
totaal 18
dr--r--r-- 8 user 4294967295  424 nov 14  2007 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root       4096 jun  1 19:53 ..
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  480 nov  4  2007 Disturbia
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  476 nov  4  2007 Fracture
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  372 nov 13  2007 Mr. Brooks
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  612 nov  4  2007 Premonition
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  464 nov  9  2007 The Bourne Ultimatum
dr--r--r-- 2 user 4294967295  448 nov  3  2007 Transformers

This is output from mount command:

/dev/sr0 on /media/071114_1638 type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000)

Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?

Problem seems to be related to this:
Accessing DVD - openSUSE Forums

Is this 11.1 or 11.2?

This is opensuse 11.2, KDE 4.3

Have you followed this:
Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

Please post your repos for me

zypper lr -d

Maybe this will help:

Solved : K3b Problem with Normal User on openSUSE 11.1

Oops… replied before the OP posted it’s in 11.2 (although it may still help :))

This issue never existed in 11.2 AFAIK

Make sure your system is fully up to date, su terminal:

zypper up

I’m curious, does this happen only with your friend’s DVDs or with any data DVD?

Does it happen with Video DVDs also?

In which system/software your friend burned the DVDs? Windows/Nero?

Yes, I too was thinking the same.

Can you read Cd’s

Is k3b seeing them and or blank disks?

this is the output (sorry, I’m not gonna translate it all from dutch to english;)). yes = ja , no = nee :slight_smile:

#  | Alias                         | Naam                            | Ingeschakeld | Vernieuwen | Prioriteit | Type     | URI                                                                                 | Service                                                                                                      
1  | Lokale_rpm                    | Lokale rpm                      | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | plaindir | dir:///home/user/RPM                                                                |                                                                                                              
2  | Packman                       | Packman                         | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | rpm-md   |                             |                                                                                                              
3  | X11:XGL                       | X11:XGL                         | Nee          | Nee        |   99       | rpm-md   |                   |                                                                                                              
4  | | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla | Ja           | Ja         |   95       | rpm-md   |                    |                                                                                                              
5  |            | Packman Repository              | Nee          | Nee        |   99       | rpm-md   |                                         |    
6  | opensuse_KDE_apps             | opensuse KDE apps               | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | rpm-md   |             |    
7  | opensuse_official_KDE4_repo   | opensuse official KDE4 repo     | Ja           | Ja         |   90       | rpm-md   | |    
8  | packman-11.1                  | packman-11.1                    | Nee          | Nee        |   99       | rpm-md   |                             |    
9  | repo-non-oss                  | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss           | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | yast2    |                        |    
10 | repo-oss                      | openSUSE-11.2-Oss               | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | yast2    |                            |    
11 | repo-source                   | openSUSE-11.2-Source            | Nee          | Nee        |   99       | NONE     |                     |    
12 | repo-update                   | openSUSE-11.2-Update            | Ja           | Ja         |   99       | rpm-md   |                                           | 

I have following installed (following some one-click install for all codecs and multimedia stuff):

libdvdcss (videolan)

I can read SUSE DVD and some other DVDs with movies without problem. The DVDs that don’t work were made with Windows XP. I’m not sure with what program… And some DVDs that do work were also made with windows.

Make sure Packman is Ja Ja
Then follow the guide.

Look out to do this:

I think you just solved your problem.
Probably some spurious program in winders.

What exactly should I do then?

I already have these packages installed from packman:


And libdvdcss from VIDEOLAN. The only thing from the list in you’re link I didn’t install is VLC.

Everything works ok (video, audio) except reading dvds

Personally, I think there is something wrong with mount options. It can read the data (see first post, but doesn’t give me access…)

So, you can access other data DVDs without issues? It’s only your friend’s DVDs that have to be accessed as root to be readable?

/dev/sr0 on /media/071114_1638 type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000)

Does this mean type udf is not supported by linux?? Is the uid correct? can’t I add user=<myname> somehow?

You said in Post #1

I can’t view its contents

Then in post #11

I can read SUSE DVD and some other DVDs with movies without problem.

Seems like the problem is the way the disks were made.

I can’t read them at all, even as root. ls just shows me the root direcoties on the DVD but I can’t go further, even as root.

Ok. Can you access the DVD from k3b, i.e., can you, for example, make an image of the DVD with k3b?

When you say you can access the DVD from windows, is it in the same computer? Dual boot or from a VM?

If you make a data DVD with k3b can you read it after?

What about commercial DVD? Do they play?