No new packages/ images for aarch64

Since the beginning of this month I am hoping for a MicroOS installation image with Kernel >= 5.14 to become released.

While x86 and amd64 MicroOS installation images are released quite frequently, the last available Snapshot for aarch64 is 20210901 (→ 19 days ago).

Browsing the aarch64 repositories for a bit, I could not find any packages that would be much more recent than this.
My research also led me to the openSUSE Factory Overview on the Open Build System, where it is stated that aarch64, armv6l, armv7l, ppc, ppc64, ppc64l builds are currently disabled.

Trying to find reasons/ announcements regarding this, I did not have any search engine-luck.

Can anyone explain what the reason for those ports being disabled is? Are they not maintained any longer? If not, when are they expected to become available again?

ARM images are built in, but it looks like publishing is disabled. You probably get better responses on factory or arm opensuse mailing lists.