No networking information shown in Network Management

Why there is no information about network in Network Management - opened from KDE’s system tray?


Why there is no information about network in Network Management - opened from KDE’s system tray?

You have to explain more about what you try to do, or what you expect to see.
Are you looking for available networks from Network Manager, and can’t find any?

You should also tell which system you run: version of openSUSE, KDE etc …

In KDE in system tray under KDE software updater, wallet manager is an item called network manager. On the previous installations of Linux (Kubuntu) I remember opening it to see quick sum up of important network information (interfaces & connections). Now its empty

I use openSUSE 13.1 and KDE 4.11.5.

You might have “Traditional mode” (if-up) enabled.

Go to YAST / Network Settings / Global Options and see if Network Manager is enabled.

Have you typed in your password for the KDE wallet?
In any case, I believe you have to check the ‘Enable networking’ box to see any listing of the currently available networks in your area; and definitely, if you wish to use Network Manager to connect.

If you ran ifup you would get an error message when trying to start the Network Manager.

Going to YAST / Network Settings / Global Options and setting NetworkManager did the trick for me. Thank you.

Looking at your image, I can only suggest that you click the “Enable Networking” box.

Your image shows what I see if I uncheck “Enable networking”.