No mouse pointer after login until...

Hello Community!

I’m using 11.2 > Gnome
When I (re)login to the desktop there is no mouse pointer, however the mouse is working.
Hover shows emphasis and I can click once hovered.

I have to go into Configure Display Settings on the Display icon in the panel and hit Apply. That restores the pointer itself.
No changes, just Apply.

The login screen has a mouse.
Mouse Properties > (all tabs) are all default values.

The mouse works perfectly other than that.
Any ideas?

Thank you for your time.

Hello Community!

I’m using 11.2 > Gnome
When I (re)login to the desktop there is no mouse pointer, however the mouse is working.
Hover shows emphasis and I can click once hovered.

I have to go into Configure Display Settings on the Display icon in the panel and hit Apply. That restores the pointer itself.
No changes, just Apply.

The login screen has a mouse.
Mouse Properties > (all tabs) are all default values.

The mouse works perfectly other than that.
Any ideas?

Thank you for your time.
I don’t know what kind of PC this is, but have you had more than one monitor or just different monitors hooked up before? In KDE, I can do a Ctrl-Alt-F1 and open a Terminal session and then do a Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return back to the GUI. When I do this, the mouse pointer returns. The issue for me is on a Laptop that uses dual monitors at times. When I switch on with the second monitor, the mouse cursor is in its area, not the main monitor. I imagine when the mouse disappears, it is just off screen, but unable to get back. Not sure if this is help in GNOME or not.

Thank You,


You are correct sir! 2 monitors. Lenovo with an external LCD, however the laptop display is turned off via Display Properties.
Your tip just may well work even if the lappy display is turned off.

The “next time” I have a week off from work and decide to re-install OpenSUSE 11.2, I will remember this advice.
I still want to use the OS for “Power Users”!!!

Have any sage advice for why the Desktop Effects “randomly” turns itself off in 11.2 ?

I will keep an eye on this post,

Thank you for your time!

Desktop effects may turn off due to lack of resources.
If the graphics device is limited in it’s capability and or your system memory is low.

Turning off the monitor doesn’t change the Xorg resolution. You’ll have to set up different layouts in xorg.conf if you want to be able to use different resolutions (work with either one or two monitors).

However the problem you first described - mouse works fine but pointer is invisible - might be a different one. It happens occasionnaly (even with a single monitor). Most of the time rebooting will bring the mouse pointer back.