No Display with linux-6.0.0-1

After booting into linux-6.0.0-1, which I dup’ed earlier in the day, there is no display. I have access to graphic with previous Linux “5.19.13-1-default” kernel. Journalctl from the previous boot is included for more information. I think NVIDIA is broken because of the latest kernel.
Second, I wish Tumbleweed would save the host module building sources for older kernels rather than erasing them with a major kernel upgrade that breaks the virtualbox Linux kernel module.

Attached journalctl from previous boot -

Are you running the Nvidia proprietary driver installed via the rpms? If so likely hit by the older driver not working with the new kernel…

That is always the case with third party stuff like virtualbox, why not look at switching to the default oss libvirt/qemu setup, then no issues…


Are you running the Nvidia proprietary driver installed via the rpms? If so likely hit by the older driver not working with the new kernel… 1204143 – Nvidia G06 & G05 drivers fail to build against kernel 6.0.0

Yes, I am using NVIDIA GPU and drivers from NVIDIA repo. I could have used dkms plus cuda runfile and installed the driver from there.

why not look at switching to the default oss libvirt/qemu setup, then no issues…

I am using libvirt/qemu-kvm as well for aarch64 alongside virtulabox for x86_64. I build my cloud images with full disk encryption and then dd them to cloud instance with qemu-img

[Sun Oct 09 08:49:32 root@flux-virt /home/flux] 
# virsh list --all 
 Id   Name                         State 
 -    alpinelinux3.16-aarch64      shut off 
 -    centos-stream8-aarch64       shut off 
 -    freebsd13.1-aarch64          shut off 
 -    openbsd7.0-aarch64           shut off 
 -    opensuse-factory-aarch64     shut off 
 -    opensuse-factory-aarch64-2   shut off