no audio devices detected after new install on ASUS VivoBook

Brand new ASUS VivoBook with 1 TB SSD–hot stuff for me. Installed openSuse 15.3 as dual boot over MSW 10. OpenSuse ran OK except there was no audio for Firefox, Zoom, or other apps I tried–no audio device detected. Installed 15.2 to replace 15.3 (after a comment on the openSuse forum that 15.3 had problems with audio) and now audio works. No rush, but I expect this machine will have to migrate to 15.3 (or later) some day and would like to get audio functioning sooner than that. Suggestions most welcome.

Hard to advise when you don’t have Leap 15.3 installed. Was it a driver issue? Pipewire or PulseAudio issue?

The diagnostic script can be helpful for identifying low-level sound issues…


This generates a link to an online server (which can be posted here), allowing others to view the lengthy diagnostic output.

For PA/Pipewire, some useful commands to see where things are at…

pactl info
zypper se -si pipe pulse
systemctl --user status pulseaudio.socket pipewire.socket

Even if you can’t make sense of the output, sharing it may help others to advise further.

Add Leap 15.3 to your installed OSes.

Then diagnose:

  1. Try to update Pipewire to the newest version:

zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install pipewire

  1. Use Pulseaudio - delete Pipewire.

Let’s hear it for spontaneous remission!
After stumbling around for 10 hours or so, went back to basic procedure and did an on-line update. At least 15 packages updated, none that I identified as dealing with audio. But now the audio works. The speakers and microphone show up under devices in the panel widget.
Thanks to everyone who considered this problem and offered suggestions. I wish I could report more specifically on what I did–sorry.

Good to read that it is now working as expected. Thanks for the update.