nntp vs hhtp mismash in new wiki discussion forum..

the web’s forums.opensuse.org/opensuse-wiki-discussions/ and the
newsgroup opensuse.org.feedback.forums.comments-suggestions are not in
sync…that is, what i see in my newsreader (thunderbird) is not what
i see in my web browser (firefox)…

my first hint was when one and then another mods kindly asked me in PM
(yesterday) to please stop posting in http://forums.opensuse.org/news
(which is were my posts addressed to the wiki discussion newsgroup
were landing)…

today i see that browser postings are not echoed in the newsgroup…



Kim - 2/18/2010 8:47:43 AM

kgroneman wrote:
> Fixed…thanks.

thank you!


Thank you for reporting it. Hey, even monkeys fall from trees
sometimes “Saru mo ki kata ochiru yo”