NNTP Interface Outage

Our NNTP interface will be offline for approximately 3 hours on
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 starting at 3:00 PM UTC while we do some
server maintenance. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience.

This will not affect the web interface.

Kim - 6/18/2013 11:09:10 AM

On Tue 18 Jun 2013 05:10:15 PM CDT, kgroneman wrote:

Our NNTP interface will be offline for approximately 3 hours on
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 starting at 3:00 PM UTC while we do some
server maintenance. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience.

This will not affect the web interface.

Hi Kim
No apology necessary… thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.11-desktop
up 13:02, 3 users, load average: 0.19, 0.15, 0.10
CPU AMD Athlon™ II P360@2.30GHz | GPU Mobility Radeon HD 4200

On 06/18/2013 07:40 PM, malcolmlewis wrote:
> No apology necessary…

thanks for the heads up:)


please let us know when the job is finished…

earlier i couldn’t connect to the nntp server, and when i came back some minutes ago i could connect and thought it was fixed…but, so far it looks like the http posts are not making it through the gateway to the nntp side…and vice versa…


Any current estimate of time? Any news of this?

3 PM + 3 hours, should be finished at 9 PM.
But it is now Thu Jun 20 00:40:10 UTC 2013, ie, 12 hours over the estimate, still down, no news. I have to assume that something bad is happening…

Out until further notice, might be some time…

Yes, something bad happened. If something good had happened, it wouldn’t be down. :wink:

They’re working to fix it, and when there’s news, we’ll post an update. It’s possible the interface may come back as they’re working on it, but when we know it’s back for good, we’ll be sure to say something.


It must then be REALLY BAD.

Of course. By now you’ve seen the announcement.

But they’re working on the replacement, and when it’s ready, the service will be available again.


estimating hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or what?

(just trying to know how often to check–i didn’t count, but i guess i checked a dozen times in the last 24 hours)



I would guess > days…

i don’t understand why you (or anyone) would have to guess?

anyone know if a machine has been ordered (or when it is likely to be ordered) and when it is expected to arrive…

what could be the benefit to the community of keeping such routine info secret?


Stop these insinuating remarks. Or take control: find out “whats_needed”, order $whats_needed, arrange transport of $whats_needed, pay for $whats_needed, donate $whats_needed. Control would go as far as the point where donation has been completed.

Suggest you check every half hour if you have nothing much to do or every couple of hours if you are moderately occupied.

only thing i am insinuating is that no one bothers to inform us of an expected time in service…is it really too much to ask.

your suggestion to ‘take control’ is totally silly, and you know it: if we can’t ask and receivet an expected return to service time how could we ever expect to learn “whats_needed”…

ok, i will play:
-what is needed?
-how much does it cost?
-what is the mailing address for the payment. or where the collection is being mustered?
-make the check out to what company/foundation?
-can donations be made via PayPal or direct deposit?

if you can’t answer, then have someone else answer, please.

I have to agree with DenverD. It is not much to ask for a real estimate, and it is not understandable that you refuse to give it, even less that you complain that we grumble about it.

your suggestion to ‘take control’ is totally silly, and you know it: if we can’t ask and receivet an expected return to service time how could we ever expect to learn “whats_needed”…

ok, i will play:
-what is needed?
-how much does it cost?
-what is the mailing address for the payment. or where the collection is being mustered?
-make the check out to what company/foundation?
-can donations be made via PayPal or direct deposit?

if you can’t answer, then have someone else answer, please.

Further more, as openSUSE is not an organization capable of receiving donations, we can not donate. There are certain legal requisites.

Some people have said, what trust can we put into a computer bussiness that is not capable of staying up 24*7? Are we going to buy products from them? I’m not saying that, others have said that. I merely transcribe.

Sigh… I’ll wait offline till nntp comes back, IF it comes back. Meanwhile, I’ll do carpentry.

It’ll be fixed when it’s fixed, DD. It was announced they’re fixing it rather than dropping it, so when it can be brought back online, it will be. Until then, we appreciate your patience.

FYI, on my Android devices, I have a tool called “overlook wizard” (a free tool) that I’ve configured to check the interface periodically, so I’ll know when it’s back up. That way I don’t have to check periodically manually using my reader.


thanks for some useful information (the first in this thread since Kim’s first note)…but, i have two droids (4.x) and the Play Store at neither offer any of “overlook wizard”, “Overlook Wizard”, “OverlookWizard”…neither does google find it anywhere outside of the Play Store…


do you happen to remember where you got it??

AH! and i just remembered that this side has a subscription service…so trusting the successful completion of the work will be announced here (and then via email to me via subscription) i don’t need overlook or any more of anyone’s time.

Try looking for “overlook whiz”.

Its the also the 1st I had also heard of this app. When a search with 'wizard returned nothing , the graduation to checking 'whiz was my next search. But I am pathetic with remembering names so searching for slightly different versions may be more natural for me.

I’m currently in Quebec City airport waiting for my flight back to Europe and may install then. I now need to dash to ctch my flight. :

Indeed, “Whiz” is the proper word. Insert joke about age and memory loss. :wink:
