NNTP changes?

For many days now I have been unable to access the forums via NNTP.
I am receiving errors timeout on server nntp.novell.com. Did I miss something?
Has this server been retired or decomissioned?


There were some issues with the NNTP servers. Those using NNTP for novell
or netiq are recommended to use the following IP address for now:

The easiest way to do this may be to modify your /etc/hosts (or
equivalent) file as I did: nntp.novell.com nntp.netiq.com

Good luck.

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Didn’t work. Have there been changes to the credentials required or transport?

If I put in my credentials (same as I use for this site) into Knode, all I get is access denied.

On 2014-05-13 22:20, ab wrote:
> There were some issues with the NNTP servers. Those using NNTP for novell
> or netiq are recommended to use the following IP address for now:
> The easiest way to do this may be to modify your /etc/hosts (or
> equivalent) file as I did:
> nntp.novell.com nntp.netiq.com

I routinely connect to both nntp.opensuse.org and nntp.novell.com without problems.

2014-05-14 02:28:01.095111622+02:00

WARNING:  Make sure that syslog.conf captures news.debug logging
--------  and obtain your debug output from syslog.
WARNING:  The screen output below is not sufficient. Check syslog!

leafnode 1.11.10: verbosity level is 1, debugmode is 1
try_lock(timeout=5), fqdn="minas-tirith.valinor"
nntp.opensuse.org: connecting to port nntp...
nntp.opensuse.org: connected to, reply: 200
nntp.opensuse.org: connected.
nntp.opensuse.org: using STAT <message-ID> command.
nntp.opensuse.org: 0 articles posted.
nntp.opensuse.org: getting new newsgroups
nntp.opensuse.org: got 0 new newsgroups.
nntp.opensuse.org: conversation completed, disconnected.
nntp.novell.com: connecting to port nntp...
nntp.novell.com: connected to, reply: 200
nntp.novell.com: connected.
nntp.novell.com: using STAT <message-ID> command.
nntp.novell.com: 0 articles posted.
nntp.novell.com: getting new newsgroups
nntp.novell.com: got 0 new newsgroups.
nntp.novell.com: conversation completed, disconnected.
wrote active file with 342 lines
Started process to update overview data in the background.
Network activity has finished.
2014-05-14 02:28:19.089379469+02:00

If you tell me a precise date/time when problem occurred, I can check my logs.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

On Tue, 13 May 2014 21:36:01 +0000, tgraham afcorp com wrote:

> If I put in my credentials (same as I use for this site) into Knode, all
> I get is access denied.

You don’t use your credentials for NNTP. The access is unauthenticated.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C