I am trying use NFS between a client notebook 13.2 64 bits, a server PC 13.3 32 Bits and another server netBook 13…1 32 Bits
I receive an error message in client noteBook when I try that command
asusLinux:/home/sergio # systemctl start nfsserver.service
Job for nfsserver.service failed. See "systemctl status nfsserver.service" and "journalctl -xn" for details.
I also do not understand why I can not turn on the NFS service in the server machine.
See the follow…
linux-pp7p:/home/sergio # service nfs-server start
service: no such service nfs-server
linux-pp7p:/home/sergio # service nfs start
Job for nfs.service failed. See "systemctl status nfs.service" and "journalctl -xn" for details.
What should I do with “systemctl status nfs.service” and “journalctl -xn”?
asusLinux:/home/sergio # systemctl status nfs.service
nfs.service - LSB: NFS client services
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nfs)
Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/nfs.service.d
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Dom 2015-11-29 11:44:39 BRST; 2h 20min ago
Process: 866 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/nfs start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Nov 29 11:45:14 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: unable to resolve to hostname: Name or service not known
Nov 29 11:45:14 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: failed to read service info
Nov 29 11:45:24 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: unable to resolve to hostname: Name or service not known
Nov 29 11:45:24 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: failed to read service info
Nov 29 11:45:34 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: unable to resolve to hostname: Name or service not known
Nov 29 11:45:34 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: failed to read service info
Nov 29 11:45:44 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: unable to resolve to hostname: Name or service not known
Nov 29 11:45:44 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: failed to read service info
Nov 29 11:45:53 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: unable to resolve to hostname: Name or service not known
Nov 29 11:45:53 asusLinux rpc.gssd[1123]: ERROR: failed to read service info
And here, the command journalctl
asusLinux:/home/sergio # journalctl -xn
-- Logs begin at Qua 2015-11-18 19:20:58 BRST, end at Dom 2015-11-29 14:04:51 BRST. --
Nov 29 13:45:01 asusLinux CRON[9047]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
Nov 29 13:45:02 asusLinux systemd[9049]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
Nov 29 14:00:01 asusLinux cron[9099]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Nov 29 14:00:01 asusLinux systemd[9100]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Nov 29 14:00:01 asusLinux CRON[9099]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
Nov 29 14:00:01 asusLinux systemd[9101]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
Nov 29 14:00:22 asusLinux dbus[799]: [system] Activating service name='org.opensuse.Snapper' (using servicehelper)
Nov 29 14:00:22 asusLinux dbus[799]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.opensuse.Snapper'
Nov 29 14:04:50 asusLinux su[11662]: (to root) sergio on pts/4
Nov 29 14:04:50 asusLinux su[11662]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user root by sergio(uid=1001)
The machine 192…35 is mounted no problem…
I can not mount the machine 192…31
The server 192…31 has response error with the command bellow
linux-pp7p:/home/sergio # service nfs-server start service: no such service nfs-server linux-pp7p:/home/sergio # service nfs start Job for nfs.service failed. See "systemctl status nfs.service" and "journalctl -xn" for details.
So I think that the problem is in machine 31
I will post the message error in next from the 192…31 machine
I don’t know if you’ve corrected the issue you describe in your first posts when you say you tried to start the nfs server on your client machine (of course that would fail).
Have you tried using the YAST nfs client applet?
Run the following, if it’s already installed it’ll say so, otherwise will install
zypper install yast2-nfs-client
Then, you should be able to open that applet in YAST and connect to your NFS server.
I assume you shouldn’t have to change any configurations on your NFS server if it’s already successfully serving other machines.
I made major modifications after the first issue and so it was a bit confusing
Have you tried using the YAST nfs client applet?
Run the following, if it’s already installed it’ll say so, otherwise will install
zypper install yast2-nfs-client
Then, you should be able to open that applet in YAST and connect to your NFS server.
I assume you shouldn’t have to change any configurations on your NFS server if it’s already successfully serving other machines.
I have no doubts. The server and client were installed.
Now I reinstalled OpenSuse (but I came back to version 13.1) and NFS is working ok
I look like I’m joking, but I’m not.
I turned off all machines and called them again after a few hours.
I’m having a bad surprise that there is no connection between two machines when using NFS.
As the client machine is still accessing a third machine, I believe the problem lies with the NFS server of the second machine.
So, I opened the yast applet of the second machine and tried to edit the NFS server and the end of the issue, I am getting the following message:
“Could not start the idmapd. Please check your domain setting.”
I did not find any instructions on the “idmapd” or “domain configuration”"
Does anyone know something about these two things?