newbie, openSUSE 13.1 Gnome, stop bottom bar from popping up?

I am new to openSUSE, and pretty much a linux novice. I had been running a different distribution but wanted to get away from it. I installed the Gnome version of 13.1. Everytime my mouse goes to the bottom of the screen a bar pops up from the bottom and where I was at looses focus. Is there anyway around this?

On Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:06:01 +0000, medwe wrote:

> I am new to openSUSE, and pretty much a linux novice. I had been
> running a different distribution but wanted to get away from it. I
> installed the Gnome version of 13.1. Everytime my mouse goes to the
> bottom of the screen a bar pops up from the bottom and where I was at
> looses focus. Is there anyway around this?

That bar at the bottom is a notification bar - so it’s kinda important.

Bringing it up should require actually hitting the bottom of the screen
rather than just being in the vicinity of it.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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I guess I’ll just have to get used to it then. I really didn’t know what it was for.

Thank you.

Install this Gnome extension - Insensitive Message Tray.

You can invoke the bar manually by pressing [windows button] + M