NEW Wallpaper i hope u like it!

my friends when i made this wallpapers said to me, this wallpaper look like
opensuse OS
so when i see the site know what going on
i hope u like it.](](

so enjoy
my facebook
HotAmr | Facebook

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Very nice hotamr. I am no expert on lizards, but I do think it can pass as a close relative to openSUSE for sure. In any even, thanks for the post and pictures.

Thank You,

Looks sweet. What did you use to create it?

Looks awesome! Good job :slight_smile:

Thanks, Andrew
Posted from openSUSE 11.3 “Teal”, KDE 4.5.5

Now I see this thread, I like your wallpapers with opensuse lizard, but the backgound is the same in two wallpapers. Change it and put something different.:slight_smile:

Always friendly!!!:wink:

Well done

I like it


you are welcome.

thanks you!

thank you! :smiley: