New user have no sound

I have just created a new user besides that which I had created while of the installation, and there is no sound in the session of this new user.
I am too new newbie in Opensuse, for I have always used Debian.
Thank you.

While none of us is clairvoyant here :(, we depend on you to provide information like:
. which version of openSUSE do you use;
. which desktop environment (KDE, Gnome, other) is involved and are both users use the same?

Alo I would like to know if that second user is loged in while the first user is also loged in, or he (s)he just the only one loged in when (s)he tries the sound?

Can you please start this new user session, and then open a bash shell/terminal as this new user, and with your pc connected to the internet type this command:


and select the UPLOAD/SHARE option. When that is complete it will give you a web-address/URL where the audio / configuration of your PC has been uploaded. Please post that link here. That will give us more information with which may be we can come up with a suggestion.


It is OpenSUSE 12.3.

Both users use the KDE desktop environment.

The second user was the unique loged in when he had the problem with sound.
Thank you very much.


"Your ALSA information is located at

Please inform the person helping you."

Thank you.

I’m at the same time happy to say that, when I have logged in anew into the second user, the sound was working, and sorry to say that I have posted this perhaps hastily.
Thank you very much.

No worry. It is allways strange that things seem not to work and then they do without a cause :wink:

Enjoy your sound!

Glad to read its working. I could not see anything obvious in the script, and had you not replied to note it working, I was going to ask you to examine these settings (from the diagnostic script output):

**Simple mixer control 'Dynamic Power-Control',0**
  Capabilities: enum
  Items: 'Disabled' 'Enabled'
  Item0: **'Disabled'**
**Simple mixer control 'Independent HP',0**
  Capabilities: enum
  Items: 'OFF' 'ON'
  Item0: **'OFF'**
**Simple mixer control 'Smart 5.1',0**
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback **[off]**

But its working now so no need. :slight_smile:

On 03/31/2013 02:56 PM, hcvv pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> While none of us is clairvoyant here :(, we depend on you to provide
> information like:
> … which version of openSUSE do you use;
> … which desktop environment (KDE, Gnome, other) is involved and are
> both users use the same?
> Alo I would like to know if that second user is loged in while the
> first user is also loged in, or he (s)he just the only one loged in when
> (s)he tries the sound?
My crystal ball says to add the new user to the audio group and
logout/in to have the change take effect.
