new layout - can't mark threads solved like before

On the old forum layout, one could add (SOLVED) to the title of their post to notify that the problem has been solved and helpers can go where their needed rather than open stuff that is done.

New forum layout this ability doesn’t exist as the title is settable once then becomes unchangeable. No SOLVED Button either.

you must be remembering a different forum, it has been that way it is
now forever [only mods can change the subject/title, and there has
never been a “Solved” button]…see several thread on the subject
reaching back for two years:

ps: maybe a coffee would help? :slight_smile:

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

before the last change of forum design, I used a change to the title line to mark things solved and it worked but maybe this was an error.

As for the solved button, it was a wish discussed when dealing with what people want in the new forum layout.

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 00:06:01 +0000, techwiz03 wrote:

> before the last change of forum design, I used a change to the title
> line to mark things solved and it worked but maybe this was an error.
> As for the solved button, it was a wish discussed when dealing with what
> people want in the new forum layout.

I think the suggestion people were using was to use the ‘tags’ feature to
mark threads solved if they wanted to. Is that still available?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

don’t know the ‘view tag cloud’ link at bottom of page redirects according to firefox to a page that can never complete.

On 2010-08-27 00:18, DenverD wrote:
> you must be remembering a different forum, it has been that way it is
> now forever [only mods can change the subject/title, and there has
> never been a “Solved” button]…

I just did :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Yes, you did, but only for your post - not for the thread.

Carlos E. R. wrote:
> I just did :wink:

yes, all nntp users have that ‘power’ but i didn’t think it wise to note…

its like:

lunch customer: “Waiter, there is a fly in my soup!”
waiter: “Quiet, everyone will want one!!”

now everyone will wanna be use nntp, sigh.

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

I thought anyone could change there own post title. Couldn’t they? :smiley:

consused wrote:
> I thought anyone could change there own post title. Couldn’t they? :smiley:

try it, maybe you can…you can see that i can…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

I already had tried it and succeeded. I think you missed seeing a (subtle :D) change at the end of my post’s title.

On 2010-08-27 17:06, consused wrote:
> Carlos E. R.;2212910 Wrote:
>> On 2010-08-27 00:18, DenverD wrote:
>>> you must be remembering a different forum, it has been that way it is
>>> now forever [only mods can change the subject/title, and there has
>>> never been a “Solved” button]…
>> I just did :wink:
> Yes, you did, but only for your post - not for the thread.

Ah, that!

That would be like changing history. Not sure it is right.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

True, but it would make for a nice “filter” (visual or otherwise), when searching forum for solutions.

On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 14:06:01 +0000, consused wrote:

> True, but it would make for a nice “filter” (visual or otherwise), when
> searching forum for solutions.

But as we’ve discussed several times here before, a solution for one
person is not necessarily a solution for another person - there are often
factors not discussed that can lead to a solution not working for someone


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 05:06:01 +0000, techwiz03 wrote:

> don’t know the ‘view tag cloud’ link at bottom of page redirects
> according to firefox to a page that can never complete.

I’m referring to tags on the message, though, not the tag cloud - but
I’ll ping someone about the tag cloud since it shouldn’t actually go to


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at