New launcher "Application Dashboard"

I read here ( that there is a new full-screen launcher for KDE 5, called “Application Dashboard”.
Does anybody know if it is available for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed? Or will it be?



It is included in the package plasma5-addons, and already is there in the 5.3.95 packages available from KDE:Frameworks5 since 2 weeks.

5.4 has been released today, and will probably be available in Tumbleweed in 2 weeks or so (after it passed through review and testing).
If you want it now, you can install it from KDE:Frameworks5, but you’d need to fully upgrade to that repo I suppose.

opensuse loves kde you bet it will be available and tumbleweed users will get it first, but when 5.4 reaches the repo’s, atm most of plasma5 is 5.3

I expect it to be in Tumbleweed after a week or three.

I’m not sure that I want it. I would prefer the old menu system to work as well as it does for KDE4.

You mean “Kickoff”?
That’s still included, and will be included in the foreseeable future (i.e. as long as somebody maintains it).
It even still is KDE’s default, but openSUSE decided to go for the new Kicker as default for Plasma5.

You can easily switch between the three by right-clicking on the icon and choose “Alternatives” from the context menu though.

Or are you actually talking about the menu structure? That’s unrelated to the menu applet itself, and merely is a configuration thing shared by all of them, and even other applications like dolphin or the folderview applet (in the “Open With” context menu).

Actually, no.

With KDE4, I use the application launcher that I can set to work with middle click (mouse settings in “Default Desktop” settings".

If I try that with Plasma 5, the menus are really bad.

For example, if I select the submenu for “Internet”, there are several applications with the name “Web Browser” and no way of guessing which is which.

If I select the submenu for “System” it looks as if it sprawls over around 5 columns, with only 2 column fitting on the screen and no way to scroll to additional columns. But it does at least have an entry for “Konqueror” so I can see which web browser in the “System” submenu, but not in the “Internet” submenu.

I probably should file a bug report. Or is this new menu going to replace the broken one.

Great, thank you!

I’ll wait 'till TW upgrades me to 5.4.


Ok. But that’s a Plasma plugin, unrelated to the “Application Launchers” applets that are shipped.

For example, if I select the submenu for “Internet”, there are several applications with the name “Web Browser” and no way of guessing which is which.

Actually that’s the standard behavior of Kickoff in KDE4 too (to show the descriptions, not the names), but you can change that in its settings.

For the Plasma plugin, this doesn’t seem to be configurable (not even in KDE4). They seemed to have changed to display the descriptions instead of the names in Plasma5, yes.

One could argue though that this was actually a bug in KDE4 that it didn’t behave like the default application launcher regarding this.
It would sure be nice to be able to configure that though.

If I select the submenu for “System” it looks as if it sprawls over around 5 columns, with only 2 column fitting on the screen and no way to scroll to additional columns. But it does at least have an entry for “Konqueror” so I can see which web browser in the “System” submenu, but not in the “Internet” submenu.

That’s more a “problem” of the “new” menu structure in openSUSE’s KF5 packages, which is actually the KDE upstream one.
As I wrote in another thread some time ago, I will be doing something about this (or at least try, I don’t know whether my changes will be accepted…).
I just haven’t found the time yet.

That it’s impossible to scroll in the Plasma plugin if the submenu doesn’t fit to the screen can be seen as bug though I suppose.
Although I think that’s a limitation of the standard right-click menus.

Or is this new menu going to replace the broken one.

No. This is not replacing anything.
It’s just a new option.