New kernel contains new wireless driver

The newest stable version contains my wireless driver for linux but I don’t know how to download it (it’s .27 that I’m looking for), is this because it isn’t available yet for opensuse or? pls help, I’m rahter new to opensuse :slight_smile:

Open up YasT and go to Software Repositories.
In there, click on Add and choose Specify URL then click on Next
As URL paste in the following:

and click on Next. The above repository will be added to the list. Next open up Software Management and search for kernel-default and install the 2.6.27 version. If you also need the kernel sources, then search for kernel-source and install it also. You can also install kernel-extra for additional kernel modules which are not officially supported.

worked like a charm! thx a lot! I also checked the shell scripts in ur signature, they look nice