New Install Best Practice

Hi, I’m new to OpenSuse. I’m currently running Windows 7 on a Lenovo T400. There’s about 80G unlocated space on the hard drive besides the C drive. So, when I start from installation DVD, will it automatically recognize that space and let me install OpenSuse there or do I need to manually do it?
After installation, will there be a dual boot option or do I need to do some configuration?

ericyao <> writes:

> Hi, I’m new to OpenSuse. I’m currently running Windows 7 on a Lenovo
> T400. There’s about 80G unlocated space on the hard drive besides the C
> drive. So, when I start from installation DVD, will it automatically
> recognize that space and let me install OpenSuse there or do I need to
> manually do it?
> After installation, will there be a dual boot option or do I need to do
> some configuration?
> Thanks

You can do the partitioning from the installation DVD, before you start
make sure you:

  • Backup everything you need
  • Defragment from within Windows

Then just boot from the installation DVD, go trough the installation
process, where it will suggest a partitioning for you (you can change
this if you want).

When it’s all finished, when you start up your machine, you’ll have a
lovely GRUB menu to choose to start openSUSE or windows.

There are sometimes, some issues with GRUB, but with the help of the
openSUSE forum, you’ll get the dual boot working in no time.

Have a lot of fun!

Barry Nichols