New connection throught usb Mobile Broadband

Good day.
I have a dongle HUAWEI Mobile Broadband E397. And SUSE Tumbleweed just downloaded and installed yesterday. Try to set up network connection trough the dongle. Saw a lot of topics, but most of them the problem is usb mode switch.

So My problem is that SUSE see the Dongle but network manager don’t want to create mobile connection. So output of lsusb :

Bus 007 Device 009: ID 12d1:1507 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Modem/Networkcard

so SUSE recognized it as USB modem, result of ls /dev/ttyUSB*:

/dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/ttyUSB3

Output for ls /sys/class/net:

enp0s25 lo wwan0

where wwan0 is our dongle (if dongle is disconnect wwan0 disappear).
So it also see the device, and output of ip a (difference between without dongle and with) :

4: wwan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 100
    link/ether 96:5B:d3:81:db:9a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Well I’m aslo tried to set up it from Network manager, but after choosing provider, it skip billing plan go to confirm settings and after confirmation nothing change, still no connection and only what you can do only create new one. So how to make it work? Thanks.

Hi, just a wild guess: do you have the PIN enabled in the SIM card inserted in the dongle?
If so, please insert the SIM in a phone, enter PIN number, then disable PIN usage and put the SIM card in the dongle again.
Or, the database for your provider and/or billing plan might just be out of date…

No there is no PIN, I just can’t make a connection. Well 5 month ago I made it work on Debian using Sakis. So I guess I can make it work on SUSE, The qeustion is can I make work without sakis.

What is reported by the following?

nmcli g
nmcli d

disconnected  none   enabled  enabled  enabled  enabled
nmcli d
enp0s25  ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --

Made a mistake in previous post

here is output for nmcli g :

cdc-wdm0  cdma disconnected --
enp0s25  ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --

Hmmm…I’m surprised wwan0 wasn’t shown in that output.

Show active network interfaces…


Show all available network interfaces…

/sbin/ifconfig -a

I installed from DVD installer, ifconfig is missing, I have ip, in

ip a
4: wwan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 100
    link/ether 96:5B:d3:81:db:9a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

it show a wwan0

Also I made a mistake in my previous post, the output for nmcli d :

nmcli d   
cdc-wdm0 cdma disconnected --
enp0s25 ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --

Cdc-wdm0 it is our device, if I unplug it it will not show up

Ok, that’s more like what I expected to see. So, based on your opening post you stated you made a connection configuration for it. That should be shown with

nmcli c

If it is present, you can activate it using (eg “my_connection”)

nmcli connection up "my_connection"

If you want to observe NetworkManager logging during the connection process, open another terminal and do

sudo journalctl -fu NetworkManager

then try activating the connection.

Cdc-wdm0 it is our device, if I unplug it it will not show up[/QUOTE]

Well there is no connection:

nmcli c
NAME       UUID       TYPE        DEVICE
Wired connection 1    039539b3-2008f-361fb100-e58955flef99e    802-3-ethernet  --

So I don’t see our connection
in nmcle d it shows device, but don’t show in connections

I’ve never owned a Huawei 4G device, and it’s not clear to me about why NM couldn’t create a connection for it. The best course of action may be to submit a bug report.

I guess you could also try using Modem Manager GUI to see what is reported, and see whether it is possible to activate from there?

Don’t really know if this is relevant, but according to ModemManager officially supports the similar E398 ( 12D1:1506 ) while the less popular (apparently) E397 ( 12D1:1507 ) is not on that list.
Maybe reusing the E398 code works (but don’t ask me how to do that, sorry): a bug report against ModemManager might help.

That’s a good find - I wasn’t aware of that list.