New colour scheme for openSuse 11.3

A new colour scheme for openSuse is considered, see discussion here:

The Oxygen guys pointed out to me that of all the primary colours, green is the one that LCD monitors have the hardest time representing accurately. If you look at any monitor gamut diagram, it’s always green that is weakest. The result is that greenish designs look great on the high end external monitors favoured by designers, digital photographers and gadget freaks like me, and look like many other things that are not great on lesser displays, which includes the majority of laptop displays. Other colours display much more reliably.

So how would you feel if we had a non-green release this time?

Will Stephenson, KDE Developer, openSUSE Boosters Team

I don’t like the green much, so I would really welcome a different colour rotfl!
As chameleons can have a wide variety of colours, that shouldn’t be any problem:
File:The modern pet.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Even Ubuntu finally changed their long-time excrement brown to a more decent colour, so we should be able to do it even much more!

I’ve put up a poll to see which colour would be most liked for a new colour scheme.

You should have put green option also. Some people may want to stay with it. :idea: Oh, there could be a different color depending on the time of the day.

It would be kind of odd for people who want to keep the old green to vote in a poll for a new colour, don’t you think? :wink:

I vote green.

As I said, this is not a thread for voting green, it’s a thread for voting on a new colour. Green isn’t a new colour.

ok… dark green? rotfl!

why not just leave it green but unlock it so everyone can change it to
exactly what they want…

wait, this is the way it already is!!


I’d leave green also, however, default green on 11.2 is not so very nice green… maybe some more artistic updates should take place.

I vote for gecko green. :stuck_out_tongue:

The grey-green of 11.2 always reminds me of wilted and rotted plants :
Ok, it’s not as bad as the excrement brown of Ubuntu, but still.

If they should decide to stay with green in the end (which I really don’t hope), at least choose some green which isn’t as tasteless as the current grey-green.

At least it’s a green to be found in the natural environment. lol! Be thankfule you don’t have smellivision as well.

smellvision + ubuntu brown = :sick:

If you were looking at opensuse on MY monitor, green WOULD be a new color! >:)

Why not offer a few choices upon install?

Yes, you can change openSUSE to be anything you want after install, this I know. However, not everyone I give an openSUSE CD to wants to spend hours customizing their OS. Perhaps there could be a few color options to choose from when you install: Blue, Green, Purple, Red, White, Black.

Make all the SUSE icons a nuetral color that would fit in with different wallpapers, splash screens, etc. Those of us who really care about our icons are smart enough to change them ourselves.

This way you could offer users with different tastes a custom-feeling interface from the get go.

This would benefit openSUSE in a few different ways; for example, if openSUSE were to give different color options for openSUSE branded wallpapers, splash screens, menus, etc. then those users would be more inclined to use the default set-up and in turn act as marketers for openSUSE. When they are at a coffee shop or let a friend use their computer for a bit, the onlookers at the coffee shop or friend of the user will see the openSUSE name and logo. This is important for building a brand identity and brand equity. This is something Microsoft does very well, so well in fact they got computer manufacturers to print the Windows logo permanetly on the keyboard so you see it everytime you type.

That’s a good idea, and simply colourizing the bootsplash, wallpaper etc. into purple, red and other colours in Gimp would be quickly done.

On Mon, 05 Apr 2010 18:16:01 +0000, Tokugawa-Ieyasu wrote:

> dragonbite;2148162 Wrote:
>> I vote green.
> As I said, this is not a thread for voting green, it’s a thread for
> voting on a new colour. Green isn’t a new colour.

Excluding the current option excludes the opinions of those who think
that it’s fine the way it is - which doesn’t give an accurate
representation of the demographic being surveyed.

It presupposes that the majority wants a new colour to be chosen. A poll
that includes green would very likely demonstrate that a majority is
happy with things the way they are - something that a poll that excludes
that majority opinion misses.

Then in the aftermath of choosing Lilac as the new colour scheme, the
majority who was happy with green (assuming they are) will feel that
their interests were not represented because the choices presented
specifically excluded their opinion.

Which translates to “your opinion doesn’t matter”.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator

Before this thread spins out of control, Why not put in an other space & have the voter (if they choose to do) specify what color they want & why(if they choose to state.)
Now for me personally I don’t care too much for the present shade of green. My preference would be a tree leaf green,not blue we had that & so does pretty much everybody else. I don’t want violet that’s Ubu’s new color. Red would make us stand out & a chameleon can do it but it’s a hurry color & IMO would be worse than blue.
So when it comes to green what about the default color of this forum or Geeko’s green up there in the upper left?

On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 05:16:01 +0000, Sagemta wrote:

> Before this thread spins out of control, Why not put in an other space &
> have the voter (if they choose to do) specify what color they want &
> why(if they choose to state.)
> Now for me personally I don’t care too much for the present shade of
> green. My preference would be a tree leaf green,not blue we had that &
> so does pretty much everybody else. I don’t want violet that’s Ubu’s new
> color. Red would make us stand out & a chameleon can do it but it’s a
> hurry color & IMO would be worse than blue. So when it comes to green
> what about the default color of this forum or Geeko’s green up there in
> the upper left?

The thing is that changing a poll once it posts also tends to invalidate
the results, so it would seem to make sense to instead close this poll
(or disregard the results) and for someone to post a new poll including
that option (or a “green” option) so as to be able to cover the whole of
the community more effectively.

It might make sense rather than leaving an “other” option in to be
specific about “general colour” choice, and then from within the comments
in the thread or a subsequent poll, drill down into a “shade” or
“variety” of the winning colour of the first poll.

I don’t recall if I posted the wallpaper that I use myself, but I
actually did it in five different colours; red, blue, orange, green, and
cyan; I find the red and orange tend to be much more difficult to look at
for extended periods (I cycle through them and a couple of other images
at 5 minute intervals using a background changer app I picked up years
ago), and the blue/cyan/green backgrounds are easier on my eyes.

But I’m also generally happy with the green themes, even the default
wallpaper in 11.2 I rather like (I use that on one of my systems).

Though admittedly, my main desktop system uses a screencap of the Cylon
colony from the final episode of the new BSG series. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator

I don’t run many polls here,Can you tell?
I forgot that one can’t go back & change a poll Thanks for reminding me.

Jim Henderson wrote:
> it would seem to make sense to instead close this poll
> (or disregard the results)

i would assume that no one with the power to actually change the color
is anxiously awaiting what ~ten (so far) random forum users think is
the best color…

i mean, what are we talking about here as a universe of likely

millions of eyeballs i guess…

i would think it unwise assume any level scientific polling is
operating here and let the first 10 (or 1000) self-selected voters
decide the color should be changed, or that it should be a pink
pastel, or whatever…

on the other hand (i agree with you), the scientifically collected
polling sample should not exclude sticking with the current color, nor
changing the tint of the green, or moving to other colors…
