New ATI driver

I see that there are new ATI driver rpms in this folder:

Has anyone tried them with the latest Tumbleweed?


If you mean the new 15.5 release (15.101.1001), you should not.
According to AMD Catalyst 15.5 for openSUSE – new makerpm-amd-script is available - News and Announcements - openSUSE Forums this driver doesn’t work with Xorg 1.17 as included in Tumbleweed. You should rather use the 15.3 Beta instead (use Sebastian Siebert’s script to create RPM packages and install them, see openSUSE Lizards).

Warning: This driver based on an old development fork and does not support X-Server 1.17 on Tumbleweed. GNOME Desktopmanager (gdm) is also broken for the moment. My suggestion for you, stay on the latest AMD Catalyst 15.3 Beta.

Thanks for the heads-up Wolfi.

There is a way to use an old x-server for the use catalyst?

Shouldn’t be necessary.
The latest version of the driver does support Xorg 1.17.
(this thread if from June, there has been a new driver release since then… :wink: )

Thanks. Many time I have not use OpenSUSE for this problem.
In case to use an old xorg, How do I do that?

You would have to compile it yourself.
And that would probably break other stuff.

Thank you :smiley: