Networkmanager plasmoid icon missing (Opensuse 12.3)


After upgrading from opensuse 12.2 → 12.3 the KDE Networkmanager systray icon gone missing.

It’s just an empty hole.

While no icon the area is still click-able, so the function as such does work.

Tried to reinstall the plasmoid-networkmanagement package, but that makes no difference.

Any ideas ?

Brgds Jonas


the icon mentioned is automatically loaded when Networkmanger is loaded

my resolution,
if any plasmoid Networkmanger is installed
– delete it
– then delete and re-install the Networkmanger
– reboot

the icon should then be visible,
if not, left mouse click over System Tray, to see if its in-active


You could try to delete the plasma cache. Start Konsole (it’s in the Favorites tab of the startmenu) and type in the following:

kquitapp plasma-desktop
rm -rf /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER/plasma*
plasma-desktop &

I have the same problem, I tried your solution but it doesn’t works, but, the lack of icon was related in mobile broadband connection, while I was connected with mobile broadband I tried to connect also with a wireless connection, the wireless connection failed, but the mobile broadband icon appeared, I don’t know if it is due to the failure or to the attempt of wireless connection, but maybe this can helps to solve the issue…:slight_smile:
thanx, ciao, pier :slight_smile:

So you don’t see an icon just for a wireless connection?

Well, the connection icons are in the file “/usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/openSUSE/icons/network.svgz” (for the standard openSUSE theme, that is). Please check if you have that file.
It’s in the package “kdebase4-runtime-branding-openSUSE”. Do you have that installed? Maybe try to reinstall it.

You could also try to switch to another desktop-theme in “Configure Desktop”->“Workspace Appearance”->“Desktop Theme” and see if that helps…

No, step by step is what happen in the systemtray networkmanager icon :
I start the laptop with mobile broadband inserted
a red disk with a diagonal bar icon (no connection),
click on the no-connection icon and connect with mobile broadband
no icon in the systemtray
click on the no-icon and connect to a wireless connection
a wireless icon appear in systemtray, a popup appear for failure wireless connection
the mobile broadband icon appear in the systemtray

thanx, ciao, pier :slight_smile:

So you don’t have an icon when you’re connected with mobile broadband, right?
Hm, I don’t know which icon should be shown in that case (don’t have mobile broadband)… Maybe it’s missing from the openSUSE theme.
Did you try changing to another theme as I suggested?

no, I have broadband icon connection icon only after the wireless connection failure

it is like a mobile phone… now susepaste doesn’t works so I cannot inser an image, I tried also with personalized system trays icons, copying icons in in /home/<yourusername>/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/icons/ and going to /home/<yourusername>/.kde/cache-[ComputerName]
and removing the file “icon-cache.kcache” and also “plasma_theme_[theme-name].kcache”., but it happens as well

I think not becouse after the wireless failure the icon appear…

not yet, I will do…
thanx, ciao, pier :slight_smile:

OK, I think I understand now…:wink:

But that sounds more like a bug in networkmanager then, I’m afraid.
So I can’t tell you an easy fix. Sorry.

If the icon would indeed miss from default oS theme, it would then fallback to Air/default one, so must be something else then. But, i guess you’ve concluded that already :wink:

Yes, but what if it is missing there, too? :wink:
But that was more thinking out loud.

It can’t really be missing anyway if he does see it after a failed wireless connection…

I think there is a bug how network-manager handles the icon in the tray. I reported this disfuction for another use, that is vpn. On my system there is also a mismatch between the hover-info of the icon (that is not shown at all) and the status of the icon (that in two user setting should show a vpn symbol if the vpn connection is established, whether by user A or user B). Nothing of this happens. It is more or less random, sometimes it works, on other occasions no, the overall functionality of the animated icon of networkmanager in 4.10.2 seems simply broken. So I would rather advice to post a bug report.

Well, for a single user the VPN icon and hover-info works fine here. (you didn’t disable “Show Informational Tips” in systemsettings->Workspace Behavior->Workspace, did you? :wink: )

But you’re right with the dual user case: If I establish the VPN connection, it is still shown as disconnected for the second user, even if I set it up as “system connection”…

Tips are activated. Icon set is Euforie2 for KDE4. All works fine in the first line of the tray. Networkmanager-symbol is on the second line. If you hover over it, it will show the tips of the first line, not the one of networkmanager. For networkmananger no tips are available, not even left click (which gives you the context menu of tray, not of networkmanager. But right-click shows the status and the “manage resources”. Maybe this is a wanted behaviour. All other tool tips (knotes, ibus, klipper etc) are fine.
For the VPN thing:
Maybe people say I should set this to normal. But when you use the VPN the very sense is to be able to control the status of your connection. If I do use the two user approach this is to heighten the safety of both accounts in the use setting of a potentially hostile environment (like an internet-hotspot on travel or an unknown network). So I did set it at the time to major and I am still convinced with this choice.
The animation of this icon seems to be tricky in general, is it because it has to cover so many functional states?

Oh, I forgot, in manage connections there is even another bug, both WLAN and ethernet are shown to be “deactivated” with empty checkboxes…and that when I am connected with VPN. But of course, the ethernet connection (although owned by both user) had been established as well as the VPN one by the use A and here I am in user B. (Wonder if I should report this too or if I should create a comment to the bug VPN icon…what do you suggest?

Sorry, I can’t reproduce this here. Even if I resize my panel so that the systray has more than one line, the networkmanager tool tip still shows up as expected…

Oh, I forgot, in manage connections there is even another bug, both WLAN and ethernet are shown to be “deactivated” with empty checkboxes…and that when I am connected with VPN. But of course, the ethernet connection (although owned by both user) had been established as well as the VPN one by the use A and here I am in user B. (Wonder if I should report this too or if I should create a comment to the bug VPN icon…what do you suggest?

Hm, I don’t see checkboxes there at all… Could you provide a screenshot to show what you mean exactly?

I think it might be the orientation. I have my task bar on the right side of my screen. Will provide a a screenshot with Suse Paste.

SUSE Paste

Well, I tried putting my panel to the right side, but still can’t reproduce this…

Ah, those! I thought you were talking about the dialog that appears when you click on the “Manage connections…” button in the bottom right corner…
Those work fine here as well.
Maybe that’s just a visual glitch with your theme? Do the checkboxes work if you click on them (the connections should disappear then)?

If I click on these it actually totally breaks my network-connection. I have to

su -
rcnetwork restart

to get it fixed again.
It is annoying an probably connected with this glitch on vpn symbol.

Are you sure? Doesn’t it come back if you click on it again?
That the network breaks seems to indicate that those checkboxes do work. :wink:

If it really breaks I think that’s more a problem with NetworkManager itself (not the plasmoid).
I remember having to do “rcnetwork restart” almost every time after a suspend.
But since upgrading to 12.3 I don’t have any problems anymore in this area. (could of course be dependent on the network card in use…)